Page 9 of Holy Hell
Beez flicked a dismissive wrist. “Whatever, you whiny thing. Now, back to you.” He turned to Carter and licked his lips with a forked tongue. “Who are you, you delicious hunk of flesh?”
Delicious? Me?He cleared his throat. “Um… Carter.”
Beez continued to stare at Carter with a heated gaze. “You look like you need a good fucking, isn’t that right, stud?”
“Oh, God yes,” Carter cried. Just the thought of this—wait. “But… Aren’t you a demon?”
Beez shrugged. “I’ve been called that. Just like Alcy has been called an angel. A better term for us is hosts. We come when we’re summoned—though I’m not averse to coming at other times,” he added, his dark eyes gleaming. “But we’ve never both been summoned at the same time.”
“I should say not,” Alcy said with a sniff. “This is unacceptable.” He took a step toward Carter. “I can’t stand to be around this… person one more minute. Carter, you need to decide which of us you want.”
“I—wait, what?”
“Only one host is called for a summons. Therefore, you have to choose which of us stays, and who gets sent back to Hell,” Alcy announced.
“Oh, fuck off. Youknowhe’s gonna choose me.” Beez reached down and wrapped a fist around his still hard cock before giving it a few tugs. “Who wouldn’t?” He winked at Carter. “He’s not wrong, though.” Beez folded his muscular arms. “So… which of us did you intend to summon?”
Carter was pretty sure he was gaping like a fish—and about to wake up from a surreal dream.
Chapter Four
Beez’s eyebrows shot up. “So let me get this straight. You summoned one of the highest level demons in the realm—”
“I thought you said you were a host,” Carter interjected.
Beez rolled his eyes. “Host, demon, angel… whatever. We answer to all of them. Right now I want to clear this up.” He inclined his head toward Alcy. “And you summoned him… with chicken bones, salt and pepper, and....” He leaned over and inhaled deeply, then wrinkled his nose. “Some ranch dressing that’s clearly well past its expiration date?”
“I used what I had at hand,” Carter protested. “And if I’m honest, I didn’t think it would work anyhow.”
“Then why do it?” the angel asked.
That was a good question, one Carter had been asking himself. Maybe if he told the truth, it would help him understand as well.
“You see, there was this guy at a bookstore, and he… and then I…” He huffed in sheer frustration. “Look, the truth is, I... I wanted to meet someone. I’m tired of being alone, while all my friends are coupling and throupling their hearts out. I just...” He sighed, and the exhalation deflated him. “I’m sorry I bothered you. Please, feel free to go back to whatever or wherever you came from.”
Beez went to the couch and flopped down, his legs spread wide, and an obscene bulge on display. “Sorry, no can do, buckaroo. See, you summoned me, and—”
Alcy covered his mouth and cleared his throat. “Excuse me? He summonedus.”
That earned him another eye-roll. “Fine, whatever. You summonedus, and we can’t go anywhere until you choose which one of us you want.” Beez gave a smug smile. “So get choosing.”
Are you kidding me?Talk about an impossible task. Anyone with eyes couldn’t help but notice they were both amazingly gorgeous. Beez’s skin, green eyes, that wicked cut in his jet black hair, and sharp little goatee contrasted beautifully with Alcy’s flawless creamy complexion, hair so red it reminded Carter of fire, and the deepest blue eyes Carter had ever seen. He wasn’t even sure there was a color blue enough to describe them.
Wait a minute. None of that mattered, because he couldn’t chooseeitherof them. These were celestial beings, right? And he was just an insignificant little human.
They had to go back.
“What if I don’t want either one of you?” That was the best solution in the long run. They’d vanish as quickly as they appeared, and then maybe Carter would wake up, because this had to be the weirdest dreamever.
Alcy shook his head. “Doesn’t work that way, sweetheart. Once the spell is cast, it won’t end until we’ve fulfilled your desires. So we can’t go anywhere until you choose.” He grinned. “By the way, I’m agreatcuddler. I love to lie in bed on a Sunday, snuggling with someone.”
It was as if he’d reached into Carter’s subconscious desires, and plucked one from his Top Ten List of Things-I-want-to-do-with-a-guy. Carter’s resolve gave a wobble.
“Well, I’m a professional fucker,” Beez snapped. Then his eyes sparkled. “I can teach you positions that haven’t even been discovered yet. I can fold, bend, and if you’re interested, mutilate you with the best of them.” He peered into the pot that held the summoning ingredients. “You know, you should have added the most powerful agent of all.”
Carter’s stomach squirmed. “Iknewit. I should’ve added some blood, but that’s just icky.”
The demon chuckled. “No, you doof. Cum. If you’d managed a few squirts in there, you could have gotten the highest level demon. His name is Egron, and he will Blow. Your. Mind. Probably literally.” Beez puffed out his magnificent chest. “He taught me everything I know, but kept plenty of good stuff to himself. You would die with a smile on your face so wide, they’d have to jackhammer it off.” He leered, and flicked out that fascinating snakelike tongue. “And as for your cock, that thing would never get soft again.”