Page 13 of Lord
“Sure, I know Roe would love it,” I answered, and I had things I needed to do anyway, like work and find a place to live.
“Rowena, say goodbye to grams and pap. They need to get going,” Rowen said, giving his mom a kiss and his dad a hug.
I put Roe down, and she was immediately scooped into Tom's arms, who kissed her before being handed over to Linda, who hugged her tight and gave her a big smooch on the cheek. “We will see you on Friday, Rowena, for a fun weekend. We love you, sweetie,” Linda beamed at Roe.
“Me love you too,” Roe replied. Then, with one last kiss, Linda and Tom made their way back to the car, leaving me alone with Rowen, who was watching me with mischief in his eyes.
He picked Rowena up, bouncing her on his hip. “Hey, Princess, why don’t we get some ice cream before mommy and I go to work? Mommy looks like she could use something sweet.”
“Rowen...” I cautioned.
“Yay, ice cream, want strawberry.” Roe clapped her little hands. Both sets of identical light green eyes were on me.
“Sure, thing Princess, as long as mommy comes along, we can go,” Rowen smirked, giving me a cocky wink.
He was playing dirty. I couldn’t disappoint Roe, and he knew it. It was just ice cream. I could do it for my little smurf. “Okay, I’ll come along.” I ignored Rowen's smile of satisfaction at getting his way, and I also would have to ignore how sexy he looked in his tight faded blue jeans, complete with a bulge, a black t-shirt under his cut that highlighted his tattooed muscled arms, and black boots, which made him the ultimate hot biker guy.
My inner self slapped me, saying,‘Good luck with that bitch.’
WAS IT FAIRto use Rowena to get my way? Probably not,but I was playing to win and would use every weapon in my arsenal to win the battle. I needed to spend as much time with Sophia as possible. I had a lot to make up for and needed every minute I could get to do it. Sophia looked so pretty and innocent in that pink sundress she was wearing, but I had the scratches to prove underneath that dress was a wildcat.A wildcat I wanted in my bed again soon.
This is why I needed to get us in our own house so Rowena could have her own room. I found a place today right down the road that will work perfectly. It needs some work, but it was just what I was looking for. I will take Sophia there tomorrow.
I had already pulled my truck around. I strapped Rowena into her seat while Sophia climbed in front. I sat behind the steering wheel, looked at Sophia and Roe, and thought how right this felt for us. Even if Sophia was trying to pretend indifference. I reached over, taking her hand a bringing it to my lips, kissing her palm, and grinned when I heard her intake of breath. I released her hand, starting to the truck and pulling out.
“We’ll go to “Saffie’s” off main street,” I said. It was a place where Sophia and I went when we dated.
Sophia gave me a side glance knowing why I chose this place. “It’s going to take a lot more than ice cream to gain my forgiveness, Rowen,” she said softly.
“I know, Sophia, but I will gain it,” I replied. It only took about fifteen minutes before we were pulling into the parking lot, and I jumped out to grab Rowena.
“Ice cream,” Rowena cheered, pointing to the big ice cream cone sign that hung on the building.
I had Roe on my hip and took Sophia’s hand, holding it tight when she tried to pull it away, only letting go when we got to the window to order. “What kind you get, Mommy?” Roe asked.
“Hmmm…I don’t know. I’m torn between chocolate and chocolate chip mint. What do you think I should get, Roe?”
“Choco chip mint,” she said in that cute toddler voice, serious as can be.
With that settled, we got strawberry, chocolate chip mint, and butter pecan before having a seat at one of the picnic tables placed out front. Sophia put a plastic bib on Roe that the shop had available for toddlers and gave Rowena her ice cream cone. Roe was on my lap, and I had no doubt I would be covered in ice cream before this was over.
“Is Silver watching Rowena tonight?” I asked.
“Yeah, until I get off at midnight. Dad will put her to sleep in my bed, so I don’t have to move her when I get back.”
“I hate that I have to ask this, but when is Rowena’s birthday?” I realized that I didn’t know this morning and felt like such a loser.
“September 13th, she was born at 1:15 A.M.,” Sophia answered. I was grateful she didn’t make me feel any worse than I already did. But, of course, it helped that I had Rowena on my lap. A cute little babbling shield.
“Two days before mine.” My birthday was the fifteenth; my mom and dad were going to love this.
“Yep, We better get Roe cleaned up and head back,” Sophia said, clearly wanting to change the subject. I do not doubt that having Rowena alone was tough, and I will never forgive myself for allowing it to happen. However, I will make it up to Sophia every single day for the rest of her life.
I USED TOjudge women who took men back after they hurt them;I used to think how could they just forgive and forget. But, now, here I am, wanting nothing more than to forgive Rowen and move on to being a family. I can’t do that, though, no matter how nice it feels and how safe and secure he makes me feel. But, it’s tough, especially now that he is being the Rowen I fell in love with, and the way he is with Rowena is more than I ever expected. He is a great dad, and Rowena loves him like he has always been with us.
Sighing, I look over, catching Rowen’s eye from where he is leaning against the wall at The Unlimited. Rowen gives me a wink, blowing me a kiss. Blushing, I grab my drink order and quit daydreaming; how I can even think with this loud music, let alone daydream, is beyond me. I notice Claudia is here again this evening, and I noticed because she is staring at me, her eyes hard, tapping her fingers on the table. I seriously don’t know what’s going on with her, but she kind of freaks me out.