Page 21 of Lord
I never thought I could kill a woman, but I realized that any woman who would sell a woman and child into the sick world of the flesh trade deserved to die. “We need to make sure Rowena is protected.”
“I already put Wrath and Poison with her and warned the others what was happening. Nobody is getting through those gates, not even members, until their cars are searched,” Shadow said, remembering how Carla helped get Mary out when she was taken.
I looked over Silver’s shoulder as we read the auction information for the purchase of the girls we both cared for deeply; there were pictures there for all the sick fuckers to look at and imagine. “It says pickup is the day after tomorrow. Location will be given upon receipt of payment. The auction is already up to a hundred grand,” I said, my heart sinking knowing time was of the essence to get Sophia back but still thankful they would never touch Rowena and that she was safe.
“It’s Rowena’s rare eye color that is running it up. Those perverted fucks need to be gathered up and burned alive,” Stonewall raged. Maybe I would let Stonewall and Vampire have Claudia; they would make her suffer for selling a toddler and woman into the flesh trade.
“I let Kickstand know it was Claudia Simmons, and he is getting all her information, and we can start checking addresses. He said he might be able to hack her cell phone,” Vampire said as he corresponded with Kickstand.
I looked at the pictures again, and it dawned on me where these were taken. “Guys, these pictures were taken at the clubhouse; how would someone take these unless they were inside? Claudia would not have been in the clubhouse when these were taken. Something stinks,” I growled.
“Claudia has someone on the inside watching and helping. Who could it be?” Shadow asked.
“My money is on Jen. She has been acting strange these last few weeks, she seems to be everywhere Sophia and I are. I was going to ask you to move her at the next meeting.”
“I will have Kickstand trace her phone and pull her records,” Shadow said.
Thank God I needed to be doing something other than sitting here waiting. Claudia doesn’t strike me as bright, and I’m betting she made a mistake along the way. I will find Sophia, and when I do, Claudia will be sorry, and if Jen helped, she would be just as sorry.
“HELLO SOPHIA,” JENsaid, walking between Claudia and Diago, giving them both very intimate kisses. “I bet you're surprised to see me here, huh?” she asked.
“At this point, nothing surprises me. This whole time you’ve been working with Claudia?”
“Yeah, for the last three years. We both want Lord and decided to work together and share the spoils. What man can resist having two women at once, right?” Jen simpered with a pouty lip.
“Don’t you two think if Rowen wanted you, he would have taken advantage of you while I was gone? So you are really going to do something illegal and awful, and for what? He still won’t want either of you,” I scoffed, hoping maybe I could reason with them.
Jen pulled back her hand and slapped me hard before I even knew what she was about. “All men are stupid and don’t know what they want or need. Jax was that way. I had my heart set on being the President’s ol’ lady, I did whatever Jax asked me to do, but whenever I would bring it up, he would laugh in my face and say nobody would ever replace Ruth, and one night he pissed me off when he said it, and I screamed ‘The bitch is dead, move on.’ Jax backhanded me and wouldn’t fuck me after that, and I had no shot with Shadow. He never touched any of the women. So, I decided to have the man I really lusted after, Lord, but you stole him from Claudia and me, you bitch,” she snarled, slapping me again.
When I got loose, I was going to beat her ass. The whole time they have been talking, I have been using the knife ring my dad got me for Christmas one year. At the time, I laughed at how silly it was, but I’m not laughing now as I saw through the rope.
“It was the first night you met Lord, and I was glaring at you two from the back of the room when I noticed Jen, staring with murder in her eyes at you. So I struck up a conversation, and we watched, and when we found out Lord had bought an engagement ring and a property vest for you, we knew we had to break you up,” Claudia laughed, “Jen and I gave Marcus his two women fantasy for him to pretend Jen was you in bed with him. Lord didn’t know the difference between that, hair and makeup until you showed your birthmark.”
“And I got rid of the letter; I saw your dad put it on the nightstand and burnt it,” Jen chuckled, pleased with herself.
Had Rowen bought me a ring? I never knew.
“Jen, you need to go get the kid,” Claudia said. I knew Rowena would be guarded with me missing. They wouldn’t touch her.
“That’s what I came to tell you. The men guard Rowena and search any car coming or going through the gate,” Jen informed Claudia.
“Shit, go back and keep tabs on everything; you may get a break. The money the auction is bringing is for the kid,” Claudia whined.
“Okay, I will call you,” Jen answered, walking out the door.
Claudia looked at Diago. “Go kill her before she leaves and dispose of her. She is no use to me if she can’t get the kid,” Claudia said calmly even though she was ordering a woman to be killed, and Diago didn’t hesitate to follow her orders.
“I thought she was your friend,” I mocked.
Claudia laughed, “I was always going to get rid of Jen. I had no intention of sharing Lord with her, and I hate her just as much as I hate you. Jen has had a taste of Lord, no matter how small, and I want her gone.”
This bitch was mental. I felt the ropes release, now to distract Claudia so I could untie my ankles. “Can at least of something to drink? I won’t be any good to sell if I’m sick,” I pleaded, acting faint.
Claudia gave a huff. “I suppose you’re right, and you can’t deliver a dead product.” I had to hide my smile when she went to leave. “I’ll be back; try to get comfortable,” she smirked.
I’m going to give my dad one hell of a hug when I see him again; I thought as I untied my ankles. I stood carefully, stretching, and then walked over to the door. I listened; I could hear Claudia, so she wasn’t far. Shit, I know she has a gun. I saw it tucked into her jeans. I would have to surprise her when she returned and get the gun. Time was important before Diago came back.
I prepared myself for a fight, thanking my dad again for raising me to be scrappy. I heard her footsteps coming closer. And said a silent prayer that I could take Claudia.