Page 11 of Stonewall
“Yep, he’s squirming an awful lot. I gotta pee too.”
I felt the vehicle stop, and Lenny leaned over, stroking my face with his fingers. “I’m going to take Gael to the bathroom and let the dog do his thing. I’m going to lock the Jeep. Will you be okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern.
“Yeah,” I forced out through my swollen lips.
I heard the door open and listened while he took a chattering Gael and Germie out, closing the door and the lock clicking. We must be on the interstate if we’re at a rest stop. I wonder where we’re going?
I wish my head would stop hurting. I had taken many beatings from Flex, but I have always been able to pull myself up and still care for Gael. Not this time; it must have been the hit to the head because any movement is excruciating. Lenny is a blessing right now, one I never thought I deserved since none had ever come my way, aside from the birth of Gael.
I heard the lock click, followed by the door opening. I heard Gael say, “Mommy, we’re back.” And the sound of Gael being belted in and a quiet giggle that was probably caused by the dog being put on his lap. Gael must be getting comfortable with Lenny. I’m glad it eases the worry.
Lenny got in, closing the door and leaning over me again. “I’m trying to hurry, but we still have at least an hour and a half to go. Hang in there; I will have Doc waiting; he’s better than a hospital.” Then I felt the vehicle start to move again as he pulled back onto the road.
A doctor? It was odd that he knew one that would be waiting. At least, that is what I understood him to say. But, then again, my mind is muddled. As long as it’s not a hospital, I don’t trust them or cops. One of the old ladies’ husbands beat her, and she went to the hospital, they called the cops, and Human Services took her kids away. I won’t chance it, so I always patch myself up after a beating.
I would die if I lost Gael.
I LOOKED INthe rearview mirror seeing that Gaelhad fallen asleep along with the dog. The dog was small and probably one of the ugliest mutts I had ever seen but well behaved. Thank shit for that.
We were half an hour from the clubhouse, so I picked up my phone and hit Shadow’s number. “Hey, brother, everything good?” Shadow said as he answered the phone.
“No, I have Brooke and Gael with me. I didn’t make it in time, and Brooke is in a bad way. We’re close and should be there in another half hour. Can you call Doc and have him waiting?”
“You’re in luck; Doc’s here now with Reader. I will let him know she’s coming and what to expect.”
“Reader, okay?”
“Yeah, the bullet didn’t hit anything major. He’s gonna be fine.”
“Glad to hear it. I’ll check in on him when I get there. Be there in a few, warn Doc, and keep Tildie busy; she shouldn’t see Brooke like this,” I said.
“You got it,” Shadow replied, hanging up.
I hit Lord’s number next. “Yo, Stonewall, what’s up?” Lord answered.
“I need a big favor.”
“Anything; what do you need?”
“I need you to meet me at the clubhouse in about twenty minutes. Bring Sophia and Rowena with you.”
“I can do that? Can I ask why?”
“I have Brooke and Gael with me. I can’t say much right now,” I replied, lowering my voice, aware Brooke and Gael might be listening.
“Got it, say no more; we’ll meet you there,” Lord said, hanging up.
I sighed in relief when I drove through the gate at the clubhouse. I went to the back entrance and parked next to the door. I got Gael and the dog out first. Gael was quiet and unsure again, being in a strange place. I kneeled in front of Gael. “I have to carry your mom. Will you be all right to walk beside me?” Gael nodded his head.
As carefully as possible, I reached inside and lifted Brooke in my arms, not missing her hiss of pain at being moved. I went slowly into the building, trying not to jar her; I went straight to the infirmary finding Doc and Summer already there waiting. “Put her down here,” Summer instructed, her worried eyes taking in Brooke’s battered face.
I laid Brooke on the bed and then looked at Doc, saying, “I will be right back; I need to go see Lord and Sophia.” I lowered my eyes down at Gael so Doc understood.
“Gotcha,” Doc said, turning his attention to Brooke.
“Gael, come with me; I want you to meet someone,” I said softly. “Doc here is going to take care of your mom and get her well.”