Page 32 of Stonewall
“Tildie says all the men are drunk, and most had passed out when she snuck away to get help. Ten men and five women are inside,” Reader informed us. Tildie was cuddled in his arms as if she would never let go.
The van was already pulling around front along with most of the men. “Let me take Gael and watch him until you return,” Grace offered, holding out her arms to Gael. “Hey Gael, I love dogs. I have a big dog name Buffy who is in the back of my car waiting for me to let him out. Wanna help me?” That did it, Gael went into her arms willingly, and I headed to straddle my bike.
“We’ll park at the end of the road and go in. It’s only ten men should be cake,” Shadow told me before straddling his bike, and as a group, we headed out the gate. The old farm was only five miles down the road. I was so angry at myself right now.
Five fucking miles away.
I had to keep control until I got Brooke out, and those motherfuckers will pay.
We pulled over at the end of the dirt road pushing our bikes into the treeline and then walking the half mile up to the house. “Let’s surround the house and come in from all sides, so no one slips past us like last time,” Shadow instructed. Vampire and Viking each led men around the perimeter. I stayed with Shadow as we crept up to the house, guns out.
It was fucking go time.
I WAS SOcold! I couldn’t stop my teeth from chattering,my body violently shivering as I sat on the cold, wet floor, my clothes soaked down to my skin. I pulled at the chain, trying to detach it from the wall, but it was no use; it wasn’t budging.
I gave a small cry of despair, leaning my head back against the cold stone wall.
The door opened, making me jerk forward with alarm. Flex appeared at the top of the stairs and started down, stumbling along the way, drunk. “Hey, wife, ready to beg me to fuck ya yet? He slurred, making his way over to me.
I was so cold I couldn’t answer; my mouth clenched until I thought my teeth would crack. I just stared at Flex, telling him with my eyes to fuck off.
“I’ve decided I don’t need you to beg me; I’m gonna remind you who you belong to, you whoring bitch,” Flex snarled, slapping me hard across the face and stumbling back, falling over his own feet before righting himself and lunging for me.
There was no way in hell I was going to let him rape me without a fight. As he stumbled closer, I kicked my leg out and tripped him. I watched as he fell sideways, his head hitting the side of a pile of bricks in the basement. I got onto my knees, seeing blood on the side of his head, and he wasn’t moving. Was he dead?
Before I could absorb the fact I had probably just killed a man, I heard gunshots from above, and I knew Lenny had come. I sagged against the wall in relief and gave a small cry when Lenny appeared at the top of the stairs and rushed down with several men behind him.
“Brooke, sweetheart, are you okay?” he asked softly, his voice filled with concern while at the same time taking stock of my condition and the chain my wrist was handcuffed drilled into the wall. “Search him for a key,” Lenny ordered the men.
I was still shivering so bad I couldn’t talk. “Go find a blanket,” Lenny yelled over his shoulder, taking me in his arms and trying to warm me with his body heat. “I got you. And I’m never letting you out of my sight again,” he swore.
“This key was in his pocket,” Fuse said, handing Lenny a key that he used to unlock the handcuff just as a blanket appeared in front of him that he wrapped around me before lifting me into his arms.
“I’m getting you out of here, Brooke.” He started up the stairs when one of the men called his name, causing him to turn around, nothing was said, but somehow I knew the men had just had a silent conversation.
Lenny pulled the blanket around my head as he carried me through the house. I imagined he didn’t want me to see the aftermath. “Shadow, I’m taking Brooke back to the clubhouse.” I heard him say, and then we were outside.
“Gael?” I finally managed.
“He’s fine. Tildie snuck away with Gael and got you help. My sister Grace is watching him at the clubhouse,” he answered, his voice shaky since he was jogging. With that information, I allowed myself to relax. It wasn’t long before Lenny was straddling his bike, positioning me in front of him.
“I will hold you tight. It’s just a short ride back to the club.” He put the blanket over my head again, making sure I was completely covered before he started the bike forward, and a minute later, I felt the smooth road underneath us.
THE RELIEF Ifelt at finding Brooke and getting herout of there was a feeling I had never felt before and couldn’t describe. From what I could tell, he slapped her around and dumped cold water on her leaving Brooke in the cold, damp basement. And the condition we found Flex tells me he must have tried to rape her but didn’t succeed.
Thank fuck for that.
I parked in front of the clubhouse, lifted Brooke, and carried her inside and to my room. I laid her on the bed and started removing her wet clothes. She was so fucking cold. I got her clothes off, wrapped her back up in a fresh blanket, then went into the bathroom and started a warm bath for Brooke. She was still shivering and quiet. But her eyes told me she was going to be okay.
Once the tub was full, I went to the bed and removed the blanket from around her. “I’m going to put you in a warm bath, crystal eyes,” I told her, carrying her naked body and sitting her carefully into the warm bath water. “Lean back and relax and let the water warm you,” I coaxed, watching her slowly lean against the back of the tub. Next, I took her loofah and started washing her body. Finally, her shivering lessened, and I grabbed a big fluffy towel and helped her out of the tub, wrapping her in the towel.
“I feel better,” she mumbled against my chest as I held her close.
“You still need to warm up some more,” I said, leading her to the bed. I dried her off and put her in one of my t-shirts. “Get under the covers, sweetheart.” She crawled under the covers, and I tucked her tight like a mummy.
“I think that’s good,” she smirked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.