Page 61 of Haunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet)
Little mouse.
That name is going to haunt me.
I’m not prey. I’m not.
“Satan’s Affair is coming to town again, and they have new haunted houses,” Daya reminds, bringing me back to the present.
Satan’s Affair is a traveling fair that comes to town every year, staying for two nights before moving on to the next town. They set up loads of haunted houses and thrill rides. Daya and I go every year religiously.
After the first few years, the haunted houses became predictable. Since then, they change them every year, and now the traveling fair has some of the best haunted houses in the country.
“You already know I’ll be the first one in line.”
“Yeah, we know, freak,” she teases. Despite the fact that it used to be my mother’s favorite slur, I don’t let it bother me anymore.
Plenty of men have called me the same, followed up by desperate begging to fuck me again. Being a freak took on a whole new meaning a long time ago. I tend to enjoy the name now.
Daya leaves once we confirm plans for the fair night. It’s not for another few weeks, but the event has garnered a loyal fanbase and sells out every year. It got to the point where so many people would come, they had to limit the number allowed in.
They treat it like a concert to avoid lines forming outside the fairgrounds. Once tickets sell out, you won’t be able to enter. Luckily, I have a computer genius on my side, and she gets tickets for us before they even go live.
The moment the door clicks shut behind Daya, my phone buzzes. Thinking it’s Daya texting me that she forgot something, I slide my phone out and open the message without registering who it is.
The second I see the text, my heart drops.
UNKNOWN: Ready for your punishment, little mouse?
I look up and storm over to the window. He’s not standing outside. Daya is just now pulling out of the driveway and speeding off, her taillights disappearing through the trees.
I turn around, nervous he found another way inside my home. Or that he’s already in the house with me and has been the entire time.
ME: Why are you doing this?
His text doesn’t come through right away. I wait with bated breath, and when I realize I’m glaring at my phone, I nearly throw it across the room. He’s probably making me wait on purpose.
Finally, my phone buzzes. I force myself to wait a minute before opening it, just to spite him.
UNKNOWN: You haunt me. It’s only fair I return the sentiment.
I swallow, nervous energy coursing through me as I decide how to respond.
UNKNOWN: You’re so beautiful when you’re scared.
I drop the phone. Embarrassed and praying he didn’t see my blunder, I look out the window again. Still not there.
Where the fuck is he?
As if reading my thoughts, another text comes in.
UNKNOWN: I’m so close, I can smell you.
My hands tremble as I read his text over and over again. The words begin to blur as panic sets in. He’s here in my house somewhere. I run over to the kitchen, grab my handy dandy knife and storm back into the living room.
He hasn’t come out yet, but I imagine he will.
Heart racing and hands shaking, I perch myself on the edge of the rocking chair, sealing my fate.
ME: Quit being a pussy and come out then.