Page 76 of Haunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet)
It’s an unnatural cold, and it’s not the first time I’ve felt it. But whatever is breathing down my neck isn’t going to deter me. I feel its eyes on me, and I hope I meet its stare so it can see I’m not the least bit afraid.
Seeing nothing, I turn and step out into the room. The chill recedes as I make my way over to her bed. I’m tempted to brush her hair away from her face, but I know it’ll wake her.
She senses danger easily, and I know she’s going to catch me soon.
A large part of me wants her to. There’s a depravity in my mind that enjoys seeing her scared. I want to see her scream because I know every time she gets scared, my little mouse gets turned on, too. It makes the blood rush straight to my cock, and I want more than anything to show her exactly how hard I can make her scream.
But the softer part of me wants to watch her sleep in peace. Especially because I know I’ll bring her so little of it when she’s awake.
Slipping the rose out of my pocket, I lay it on her nightstand. She’ll freak out in the morning, and I’ll make sure to play the video back so I can see it and find joy in her terror.
She stirs, and a loud noise disturbs the air.
Something between a snore and snorting like a pig.
I bring my fist to my mouth, biting down hard to keep the laughter from exploding out of me. Immediately, I turn and exit the room, struggling immensely in keeping quiet.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a noise like that come out of anybody, let alone someone that looks as cute as Addie does. I’ve tortured and killed a lot of people, and that was… that was unlike anything I’ve ever heard.
It’s only when I’m out of the house that I let loose a bark of laughter.
But my laughter is cut short when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, seeing Jay’s name flash across the screen.
“Yeah?” I answer, my steps quickening as I make my way to my car.
Jay only calls me for work purposes. And usually, that results in shooting one or twelve people dead.
“Mark Seinburg is in town,” he starts, diving right in. It’s what I like best about Jay. He gets straight to the point. “Along with his colleagues Miller Foreman, Jack Baird, and Robert Fisher.”
I open my car door and sink into the leather seat. I turn on my car, but don’t make a move to leave yet.
“Where are they?” I ask.
“I’ve gotten hits in casinos, a couple of high scale bars and a private gentlemen’s club. Members only. All places that are heavily guarded.”
“Guards mean they have something to hide,” I say. “They’re of no concern to me.”
It’s not cockiness, it’s just facts. My confidence in my skills is the only thing that keeps me alive.
You can’t go into a lion’s den with the confidence of a gazelle. You go in knowing that you’re going to walk back out with their blood on your hands and their heads rolling on the ground.
It’s the only way you’ll ever survive.
“They’re not,” Jay acquiesces. “It’s too soon to storm their hangouts, though. I got you access to a couple of the gentlemen’s clubs they attend. I think they’re going to be our best bet for information. Just go there, scope them out, start making more appearances there, and gain their trust. See if there’s anything amiss.”
The laughter from Addie is long gone. It almost feels like I never felt such a… happy emotion only minutes ago. Dickheads trafficking innocent children will do that to you.
“Fuck, Jay, you want me to mingle with a bunch of rapists? I can hack into their cameras.”
“Hacking into cameras only gets you so far.”
I sigh, rubbing at the tightening muscle in my shoulder. He’s right. Their cameras won’t have audio, and there’s a lot more to learn whe
n listening in on conversations.
“And right now, we have nothing,” Jay continues, driving home his point.
I nod, though he can’t see me. Making friends with the pedos means I could be invited into the ritual. Based on the video, it’s definitely deep underground. Gaining access will be incredibly difficult, but nothing is ever impossible for me.