Page 131 of Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet)
“You know what? I believe you, demon slayer.”
Her answering grin lights up her entire face. And I realize that Sibby is a beautiful girl.
I hope to God she finds something real one day.
“You look fucking ridiculous,” I state dryly, looking her over with a critical eye.
She stares at me like I’ve personally wounded her.
“Why?” she asks, dropping her gaze to her outfit.
She looks like a fucking Cheetos puff, but in bright neon pink. She’s wrapped in several layers of clothing, with a massive puffer jacket three sizes too big, ending at her ankles and barely concealing the yellow polka-dot rain boots. To top it off, she’s been doing her makeup again, however, she has shied away from the broken doll look. I suppose it was too raw of a wound. Thankfully, Addie has been teaching her how to properly apply it, and it wouldn’t be half bad if it weren’t for the monstrosity of a fucking outfit.
I allowed Sibby to do some online shopping soon after she arrived, and it turns out, she has no idea what size she is nor how to dress herself.
She’s only ever worn the clothes provided to her by her father and the costumes Satan’s Affair had in their houses. So, she just ordered a bunch of random shit in whatever size, most of it ill-fitting.
Sibby is tiny. Her stature only comes to about five-two, and she has very little meat on her bones. Addie glances at me, regret on both of our faces for not monitoring her while she shopped.
“Literally, everyone is going to notice you. You’re supposed to blend in, not stand out like a sore thumb.”
Her brows pinch. “You’re saying I look like someone’s thumb?”
Addie bites her lip. “Let’s trade jackets. You can wear mine, Sibby.”
Sibby grumbles but ultimately switches with her. Addie slides on the hot pink puffer and zips it up, the coat not fitting her any better. The grin that slides on my face is nearly slapped off the second Addie spots it.
She points a finger at me, the material swishing from the movement. “I will fuck you up.”
“It’s cute, baby,” I say, grinning wider when she narrows her eyes, giving me a look that promises death and destruction.
I’d love to see her try.
I grab a black beanie and slide it over Sibby’s head and then wrap a thick, black scarf around her neck to help conceal the bottom half of her face, feeling every bit like a father dressing their child.
Despite her wanted status, she’s the least recognizable, aside from Daya. And as much as I would prefer Addie’s best friend instead, Sibby was very excited about being helpful. She’s been cooped up in the manor for the past month, going even more insane than she already is.
It was vital we get her out of the house before she says fuck it and openly fucks her imaginary henchmen on the dining room table. She’s already come close to it, and Addie and I were both deeply traumatized by that event.
I hand her a Bluetooth and instruct her on how to use it, sighing when she asks if her henchmen can have one, too. She claims they’ll get worried if they can’t hear what’s happening.
“You know they can’t all come, right?” I remind her. She twists her lips and nods.
“Mortis and Jackal are gonna come this time. So only they need one.”
I indulge her and hand over two more, which she promptly passes to empty air, the devices dropping to the ground. I’ll have to pick those up when she’s not looking.
When she smiles, satisfied, I move on to the body cam, hooking it to her coat and adjusting it to make sure it’s at a good angle.
“Don’t touch this. I need to see everything you’re doing. I’ll be in your ear guiding you, so listen to ev
erything I say,” I tell her sternly.
She waves a hand, and giggles. “I know. You don’t have to worry, Zade. I promise I’m not going to run off.”
“Or murder someone,” Addie grumbles from beside me.
Sibby looks to Addie. “If a demon is around, I’ll let that one go. I can sacrifice one or two if it means taking out the biggest one of them all.”