Page 11 of Bloody Union
Finn turns his gaze to our father, his features cool and calm but I can see him internally battling with his anger.
“Christ. It was Kinsley,” Da tells them. “You know what those two are fucking like when they’ve been on the tear. They do stupid shit, hell getting a tattoo wasn’t even the worst shit they did that night. They thought it would be funny to get a tattoo and I told them both that they weren’t allowed to have anyone tattoo them. So they decided it would be funnier if they tattooed each other. So Kinsley gave Kenna a tatt and Kenna gave Kinsley one. Now do you want to calm the fuck down and relax? Today is supposed to be a joyous occasion, we finally managed to get someone to marry your sister.”
“Hey!” I cry out. “I’m a fucking catch!” Da grins and my brothers laugh. “It’s these fucking idiots you have to worry about. None of them know how to keep their cocks in their pants. No woman is going to want to marry their crotch infested asses.”
“Leave me the hell out of this. I did nothing wrong!” Cian says holding up his hands.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say sarcastically. “I forgot who it was that I walked in on while they were fucking two whores.”
“You should have knocked.” He growls.
“It was in the fucking pool at seven in the damn morning!”
Da smacks him around the head, “What did I tell you about those fucking whores?”
“Okay, it’s time for you all to leave. Makenna needs to finish getting ready and Dante needs to be at the altar waiting for her.”
Everyone except Dante leaves and I turn to him, butterflies swarm in my stomach as I wait for him to say what he wants. He turns to Kinsley, “Can you give us a minute?”
She bites her lip and gives him a tight nod, before turning to leave.
“Are you okay?” he asks closing the distance between us.
I look at him in shock, he’s showing concern for me, that’s something I didn’t think he’d do, ever. “I’m okay,” I tell him gently and I’m rewarded as he gives me a stunningly soft smile.
He’s so close, I could reach out and touch him, I’m itching to do it. His eyes soften as he looks at me. “That was fucking intense, Makenna.”
I do what I’ve been itching to do and place my hand on his chest, his heart beat is slow and steady and it settles me. “Kenna, my family call me Kenna.”
He searches my face and nods. “Kenna.” It rolls off his tongue and I let it wash over me. Loving how he says it. “It was intense, she’s your girl, are you okay?”
I bite my lip to stop my tears from falling, I feel his strong heartbeat and let it settle me again. “I’m okay, she’s not been like that in a while and seeing her like that hurt. But I’m okay, and thanks to you, she’s going to be.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “I meant what I said, tomorrow, we’re talking.”
I nod, “I know and I think I knew this day would come. Not tonight though, Dante, let’s just enjoy today and then tomorrow, we’ll deal with the ugly stuff.”
His head lowers so that our lips are barely touching, “You’re ugly stuff is going to be mine, the sooner you realize that I’m going to protect you from anything and everything that poses any harm to you, the better we’ll both be.”
“I know you want to help, but it’s going to take a while to trust you.” His eyes narrow at my words and for some reason I want to ease his worries, “I don’t trust many people, including my brothers, so please don’t be offended.”
I’ve shocked him, but he quickly recovers and in doing so, he lowers his mouth to mine and gives me a quick, hard kiss.
“Fuck,” I mutter when he leans back.
“I’ll see you in a bit,” he says as he walks to the door. My heart is pounding and yet he seems completely unfazed. “And Kenna…” he calls as he opens the door. “You look beautiful.”
My heart melts at his words.
This isn’t good. This marriage was supposed to be an arrangement, I wasn’t supposed to get attached, to catch feelings. Knowing that the made men of the Famiglia are cruel, it would only hurt more when they abuse me. But Dante, he’s given me hope and that’s one thing that can break me.
“You really do look beautiful, Makenna,”Kinsley tells me as she dabs her eyes.
My stomach is full of butterflies fluttering their wings frantically against my belly. My nerves have kicked in but for some reason I’m not scared. When I was told that I’d be marrying Dante, every scenario went through my mind. I always pictured being scared, being so distraught that I’d be a shivering mess. Instead, I’m calm and ready. Everything I’ve come to know about Dante is that he’s a monster, but not to me. The soft look he gives me makes my body react in ways I can’t explain. Thinking about this day, I thought I’d be in hell, but I’m looking forward to our future. Although, I’m not sure how it will go but I’m hopeful and that’s a good thing.