Page 44 of Bloody Union
Once we’re in the dining room we all take a seat. Ma has the servers bring out the food. Everyone’s silent, probably trying to wrap their heads around what they’ve just found out.
“This is fantastic,” Danny says taking another bite of food. “Thanks Granny.”
I bite my lip to stop the laughter from bubbling out. Killian chuckles and my brothers are trying their best to hide their laughter.
Ma gasps as her hand comes up to rest on her chest. I roll my eyes at her dramatics.
“Oh, Danny, you should tell them your news,” I say with the biggest grin on my face and Killian’s chuckle turns into full laughter.
Danny’s eyes widen and he grins. “Oh yeah, so, I’m getting married and Melissa’s pregnant. You’re going to be a great granda and great granny.”
Ma’s gasp is even more audible and Da stares at us like we’re crazy.
“Da, he’s being serious. You’re going to be a great-granda.”
He smiles brightly and that has the rest of us laughing. Finn, Patrick, and Cian can’t hold their laughter back, Cian’s wiping his eyes where the tears are.
“God, this is hilarious. So, Ma, you ready to be a great granny?”
“What the hell? Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” Ma demands as she glances around the table.
“You may remember my granny? Lisa Morland.”
I’ve never seen my ma look so pale in my life. “What the hell are you doing here?” she demands.
“I invited him. After all, he is my nephew. If anyone shouldn’t be here, it’s you.”
She snarls at me, “Don’t be a bitch.”
I laugh, “Really, Ma? You really want to go there?”
“Makenna, I don’t think this is the time,” Killian tells me and I realize he knows what’s happened.
“Someone had better tell me what the hell is going on,” Da says looking between mom and I.
“Nothing, Seamus,” Ma says as she goes back to eating.
“It’s obviously not nothing. Fucking answer me,” he demands, his hand slamming down onto the table making her jump.
“What I really want to know,” Finn begins, “is why Makenna hates you.”
I sigh, this isn’t what we should be discussing. I was pissed that she was being a bitch to Danny.
“Leave it alone, Finn, this has nothing to do with you,” Ma says softly, trying her hardest to move the conversation onto something else. “So, Danny, what do you do?”
Danny glares at her. “Fuck you.”
“Oh Jesus,” Killian mutters. “Danny boy, did you really have to say that?”
Danny nods, “Yes, she’s a fucking cunt and while I know why Makenna never said anything, I don’t understand it. If it were me, I’d have gutted her where she stood.”
“Danny,” I warn, he’s pushing this now and it’s not the bloody time.
“Holy fuck!” Finn growls, “It was you?”
“Finn, not now,” Killian warns.
“What’s going on, Killian?” I ask, he’s not wanting this to blow up. I get it, I know what’s going to happen but this is Killian, the man kills for fun.