Page 29 of Unexpected Union
She turned and bumped into him. Reachingout, she steadied herself. His warmth enveloped her. She could feelthe hard muscles beneath her fingertips. Her gaze caught with hisand endless minutes seemed to pulse by. When she dropped her gazeto his mouth, she felt her heart accelerate out of control.
Slowly he lowered his head and kissed her.His lips were warm, gentle and oh so familiar.
It was brief—too brief, Audra thought wildlywhen he raised his head.
Her gaze locked with his.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I firstsaw you,” he said, still only inches away. His breath fanned acrossher heated cheeks. “That first kiss wasn’t what I wanted. I wasfurious with you and took it out in the kiss.”
Licking her lips nervously, she tried tosmile, but her face muscles didn’t seem to work.
“Yes, I know. This kiss was nice. I wouldn’tmind another one.”
Mitch gathered her against him and coveredher mouth with his. This kiss was not warm and gentle, but hot andwild.
The earth seemed to spin, blood pounded inher veins, and the heat mingled and melded and seemed to pour firethrough her. She could feel the plaster cast like an iron baragainst her back, the rock hardness of his chest against herbreasts and swollen belly. His hair was thick and surprisinglysilky as her fingers tangled in it.
He tasted like coffee and fresh air andMitch. She had never felt quite like this. It was glorious. If itcould only—
The baby kicked.
They broke apart, Mitch’s gaze dropped toher stomach.
“Well, I guess he made his feelings known,”he said then laughed. “Was I holding you too tightly?”
Rubbing the rippling as the baby seemed toturn over, she shook her head.
“No. He’s just active about this time ofmorning.”
Slowly Mitch reached out his good hand andcovered the mound. Audra laced her fingers through his as her palmcovered the back of his hand and moved it slightly to where thebaby was stretching. For long moments they didn’t move, just sharedthe moment as their child shifted.
Smoke wafted by.
“Oh, no. The toast!”
Quickly Audra turned to the pan. The twoslices of French toast smoked heavily. She scooped them out anddumped them on a plate. They were as black as charcoal.
“Darn it! I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s not as if we’re on a schedule, right?”Mitch said moving away. “I’ll put the computer away and be back ina few minutes.”
He hesitated by the door. “Do you haveenough for two?”
When she smiled and nodded, he leftquickly.
He had to get away before he did somethingfoolish like swing her up in his arms and take her upstairs to bed.And that was the last thing she’d want.
He deposited his laptop on the sofa and wentto stand on the front porch. It was still chilly, so maybe thecrisp air would cool him down. Leaning against the porch support,he crossed his arms. He hadn’t felt that strong sexual attractionaround anyone except Audra. Despite their months apart, despiteknowing he hadn’t been able to keep his wife, he still wantedher.
He wanted to see the passion in her eyesfrom their kisses, from his touching her everywhere. Yearned todiscover all the changes in her body, to explore the altered shapeuntil he was as familiar with her now as he had been when theylived together.
He wanted to make love to his wife.
Taking a deep breath, he gazed off at thelake. Maybe a quick run around the perimeter was needed. Followedby a plunge into the icy lake water.
Yeah and miss their hike?
No way. He was looking forward to the walk.The woods were pretty, the air crisp and clear. Since he hadn’t hada vacation in years, it wouldn’t hurt to try to relax as his doctorand Thomas had so convincingly pointed out.