Page 35 of Unexpected Union

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Page 35 of Unexpected Union


The ideatantalized. He wouldn’t push her away, would he? She knew interestwhen she saw it, or feltit, as she had that afternoon. Of course she knew she couldnever compete with his work.

But onekiss. What could thathurt? For old times’ sake?

Was she crazy?The man had proved he wasn’t into long-term commitments, orlove.

Sheglanced at him from beneath her lashes, shocked to find he was staring ather.

“You lookpretty in that dress,” he said.

Heatswept through, andherheartbeat increased. His compliments threw her.

“Thank you,”she replied primly, bringing a gleam of amusement to his eyes.

Takinga sip oftea for courage, she deliberately placed the cup on a narrow openspot on the coffee table and turned to Mitch, licking her lips innervousness.

His expressiondidn’t change, but she felt as if the air became supercharged.Could she do this?

Howmuch did she wantanother kiss?

Daringlyshe reached out and took the cup from his hand, placing it besidehers. Taking adeepbreath for courage, she looked at him and scooted closer. Turningslightly so she faced him better, she moved closer still until hermouth was almost touching his.

Hewatched her as if mesmerized. Wondering if that was a good sign,she decided she’dtakeit as positive omen. He wasn’t pulling away or telling herno.

When her lipsbrushed his, sheer delight flooded through her.

Hisresponse wasinstantaneous and all she could have hoped for when he pulled herinto his arms and moved his mouth against hers.

Deepening the kiss until she could scarcely think, it wasall she’d wanted and more. The sensations that filled her excited.His touch was hot,bringing an exquisite awareness to every inch his fingers grazed.And his hands seemed to be everywhere, in her hair, caressing thelength of her back, her arms, even resting briefly against theswell of her tummy.

Audrafelt alive. Carefree.Exhilarated. She wound her arms around his neck. Bloodpounded through her, deafening her with its roar. The sweaterbecame too hot, and together they got it off. His chest begged forattention and her fingers fumbled with his buttons until she couldfeel the heat of his bare skin, the sheathed steel of hismuscles.

Sherubbed her fingertips across his chest, rememberingthe many times she’ddone it before, yet feeling as if tonight was the first. His skinwas hot, sleek, with a patch of masculine chest hair to tangle herfingers in.

Thefeminine power that filled her assured her she had forgottennothing. Not the pleasure she gleaned from his touch or the pleasure she could providehim with her own loving caresses.

Despitethe fact she was eight months pregnant, she felt young and beautiful anddesirable.

The babyshifted, and Mitch froze. Slowly he ended the kiss, his handmoving to cover thebaby.

She leanedback a bit and looked at him, flushed with passion, wishing she hada clue what he was thinking.

“The mosteffective chaperone I’ve ever been around,” he said, with a lightkiss on her lips. With the same kind of deliberation with whichshe’d started their kiss he shifted on the sofa and moved away fromher, standing a second later and running the fingers of hisunencumbered hand through his hair. He buttoned hisshirt.

“I’mgoing outside for a minute,” he said, his backto her.

Leftalone, Audra stared at the closed door. Had she made a total idiotof herself? Or was he not as affected by the kiss asshe’d been? Nothing hadprepared her for her reaction. It reminded her of their courtingdays, when she thought she’d never get enough of Mitch.

Onceshe’d laughed when friends had talked about bells going off, orstar bursts, or dazzling rainbows. But not after kissing Mitch.

Hestill had thepower to make her world a brighter place.

Tearsthreatened. She shivered slightly and hugged herself. It wasn’t fair. She’d wanted ahusband, a family. She’d had both, but none of it was unfolding asshe’d once dreamed.

Gazinginto space, she knew thekaleidoscope of colors and sensations that had flooded showed thefull range of passion. Unfortunately passion wasn’tenough.

“Andthat tells you what?” she asked as she got to her feet and grabbedher sweater. Almost running for her room, she knew she was fleeing, but she couldn’tbe there when Mitch returned, as if she were waiting for him topick up where they left off.

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