Page 50 of Unexpected Union

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Page 50 of Unexpected Union

Surprised, she stared at his stunned expression, thenburstoutlaughing.

“Thinkthat’s funny, do you?”he asked, pushing her gently back on the pine needles and comingdown to kiss her senseless.

Audrareached up and encircled his neck with her arms, pulling him offbalance until he sprawled half across her and half on the ground. She kissed him back withall the pent-up desire she possessed.

Suddenly sheknew why the day was perfect—Mitch was with her. She was falling inlove all over again. Being with him made everything brighter, moreenjoyable.

When heshiftedslightly, sheopened her eyes, and gazed deeply into his. Neither spoke, butwords weren’t necessary. She wanted to capture the moment, hold onto it, keep it safe from all outside influences.

Why couldn’tthey stay in a world of two forever?

“Are youallright?” heasked.

Shenodded,slowly pulling her hands away. “I’m sorry you fell. It didn’t jaryour arm did it?”

He shook hishead.

“There’s atechnique to hammocks.”

He rose in onelithe motion and reached down to pull her up.

“Whenyou sit, make sure youare far enough back from the edge that you don’t throw off thecenter of gravity.”

Shenodded, wondering how he could talk. Her heart raced, her skintingled, bloodrushedthrough her at warp speed, and the heat that enveloped her matchedthat of the sun. And he talked as if nothing hadhappened.

Then shenoticed his breathing was almost as rapid as hers. Satisfactionswept through her. He might look impervious, butthat kiss had affectedhim, too. There was some justice in the world after all.

Following hisfirm instructions, Audra managed to get on the hammock withoutincident. She lay next to Mitch and gazed up at the sky through thetrees. She was far too aware of the man next to her to feel sleepy.How was she supposed to get any rest in his proximity?

Yet, inonly a few moments hereyes closed and she drifted off.


WhenAudra awoke, her head was pillowed on Mitch’s shoulder, one armthrown across his chest.Her stomach rested against his. His arm held her loosely. She laystill, trying to figure out how she’d moved into this position. Hisscent mingled with that of the pines. The sweet fragrance ofdistant flowers drifted on the breeze. The slow rise and fall ofhis chest attested to the fact he was sound asleep.

Afraidto move forfear ofwaking him, or falling off, she relaxed. It had been a long timesince they’d been like this. It felt good. Right.

Wishingto treasure the moment, she tried to imprint every detail in her mind. She’d taken theirtime together for granted before. Now she knew she had to captureevery fleeting moment. Savor each one. Treasure them. She didn’twant to repeat the mistakes she’d made the first time around.Expecting a bright future wasn’t in the cards.

Thatfact apparently didn’t stop her from loving him. Or from admiring his strength, hisdedication. And didn’t stop her from wishing for the moon. Realitywould intrude all too soon. For this afternoon and evening she’denjoy herself.

Whenthey parted, she’d have to cope once again with the problem offalling in love with aman who could never fully love in return.

But she didn’thave to deal with that today.

The babymoved, bumping against Mitch. Audra might not have a future with the man beside her, butshe had her baby. And she’d make sure to give her child the bestfamily life she could—even if it was just the two of them. Shewould teach her son or daughter to love wholeheartedly. And takechances.

“Areyou awake?”he asked, startling her.

Thank goodnesshe couldn’t read minds.

Shenodded, rubbing hercheek against his shoulder, reluctant to move, to end this specialtime.

“How do youfeel? No dizziness?” she asked.


Theminutes stretched out. Audra smiled slightly. Neither moved. Was he enjoying thistime together as much as she?

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