Page 53 of Unexpected Union
Maybehe’d read. He had thoseadventure books Thomas had optimistically given him. Feelingrestless, Mitch went to his bedroom and changed into jeans then dugout one of the books. He heard nothing from Audra’s room. Was shealready asleep?
Crossingthe hall, he tappedgently on her door. Then turned the knob. Opening it slightly, hesaw her lying in bed, already fast asleep.
Sheslept on her side, onehand beneath her cheek as she had at their picnic. It reminded himof that afternoon when he’d awoken in the hammock with her head onhis shoulder. He should have tightened his arm and brought heracross to rest fully on his chest. Should have kissed herbreathless and seen where that would have taken them.
Now he had towait. And Mitch didn’t like to wait.
Audrafeltout of sorts whenshe awoke the next morning. The sound of rain on the roof almosthad her groaning. Great–she felt cranky and it was going to be arainy day. No chance to go for a walk to clear her mind. What wouldshe and Mitch do, cooped up in the cabin all day?
She’dgoneimmediately tosleep upon arriving home last night. But around three she’d wokenand found it almost impossible to fall back asleep. Her thoughtshad centered on Mitch, and her growing feelings. How could she havebeen so dumb as to fall for him when he continued to show the sametendencies as before to put work before everything.
WhenAudra wandered downstairs some time later, she knew the house was empty. Glancing out thewindow, she watched the rain for a few minutes. Everything lookedgray and dreary and cold. Shivering slightly, she went to thekitchen to prepare something to eat.
The notewas propped next to theteakettle. His handwriting was bold, strong. Just like theman.
Shetossed the note back on the counter. No surprise,he’d gone to the lodgeto check in at work. Of course with the unexpected change in hispending case, he probably did need to keep in touch.
He’d addedmaybe they could do a movie this afternoon.
Audrafrowned. She didn’t want to leave the resort. She likedbeing isolated from everydaylife. Time enough to resume normal activities when her vacation wasover. And it was passing too quickly—only a week left.
Eatingsome toast, she decided she could use a day to herself. To try tocome to terms with her feelingwith Mitch, and make some definite plans for her ownfuture.
It waslate morning when Mitch returned. The rain had passed on. The sunwas shining on thetrees, sparkling on the droplets of water and raising steam fromthe trees and porch roof.
“Itturned out to be a niceday,” Mitch said as he entered the living room.
Audra lookedup from her book and nodded.
He stopped.“Something wrong?”
She smiledbrightly. “Not at all.”
Hesitating a moment, he placed his briefcase and laptopdown and moved to sit on oneof the chairs.
“Wantto go tothe movie?”
“No, thanks,not today.”
She shook herhead.
Henarrowed his eyes.“Areyou mad because I went off this morning?”
She shook herhead again.
Hopingthe smile she was holding didn’t look as insipid as it felt, she shrugged hershoulders.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m tired today. My legs are a bit stifffrom all thatpedalingyesterday. I thought I’d just stay home and rest.”
He wasquiet for a while, studying her. Then he looked out thewindow. “If you don’twant to go anywhere, we’ll stay here. I’m not going bymyself.”
“It is apretty day, why don’t you take awalk or maybe see if Mr. Carmichael would like togo fishing this afternoon,” she suggested.
“Imight. Or I could explore those caves. You sure you don’t want to go?”