Page 60 of Unexpected Union
It wasvacation madness, nothing more. They’d spent some time together,had some fun. For a few days heremembered the two of them as they’d been when courting.But he knew once back at work, he’d be engulfed in the day-to-dayurgency and not have the time to devote to her that she wanted.She’d been wise to leave him when she did.
But thenagging feeling ofsomething being wrong didn’t abate.
He lay on thehammock and stared up through the tall trees to the deep bluesky.
He waslying to himself. He would always think about her—to wonder how shewas doing, especially with their baby. To wonder if she wasall right living as asingle parent. Visits wouldn’t be enough.
Moving,he accidentally knocked his right foot and pain shot up his leg.Some convalescence, he thought wryly. He was more banged up thanwhen he arrived. Stacking his hands beneath his head,he ignored the cast ashe thought over the past couple of weeks. Meeting Audra had been asurprise but it had turned out all right. They were gettingalong.
Ofcourse nothing had been settled. Would pushing her to make adecision concerning their situationchange the dynamics? Was she deliberately holdingoff until the end of their stay?
He’d done alot of thinking when sitting in the rain. Some of the conclusionshe’d arrived at, he didn’t like.
Mitchstared into space for a long time before finally fallingasleep.
When heawoke, Sandra Carmichaelwas sitting nearby.
“Ididn’t want to waken you, but wanted to invite you and Audra todinner tonight. Neither of you will feel like cooking after youradventures. And it’s not that far to our cabin. If you like,John can come to help you over.Or we can bring dinner to your place.”
He sat on theedge of the hammock and tested his ankle.
“I think I canmanage to get as far as your cabin. It feels better already.”
He looked up.“Thanks.”
“I stillfeel distressed weweren’t home last night when Audra needed us. Neighborsshould rally around in troubled times.”
“It turned outall right,” Mitch said.
“Yes,but she could have been injured or hurt the baby. I can’t believeshe went out like that. She must love you so much. I know she was frantic with worry. Iwould have been if something happened to John. You two come aboutseven.”
He watched herwalk away.
She mustlove you so much!
He’d hadthat once and carelessly taken it for granted. Ignored his wifeuntil her feelings haddied and everything changed. He no longer had the love she’d sogenerously bestowed before they married.
Mrs.Carmichael had been wrong. Audra had come looking for him simplybecause she knew where to find him. She would have done the samefor anyone introuble.
I couldn’t leave my baby’s father out here, she’d said.
He wishedshe’d just said she couldn’t leave her baby’s father.
Rising,he headed for the cottage. He wanted to see her again, to make sureshe wasn’t suffering any aftereffects from exposure. The first-aid nurse hadpronounced her fit, but he needed to make sure.
Themouthwatering fragrance of chocolate chip cookies filled the air ashe reached the back door. He stood in the opening for a longmoment, watching Audra bustle around the kitchen. Here was proof, if he needed it, thatshe’d suffered no ill effects. Two racks of cookies were cooling.She opened the oven door and swiftly withdrew a cookie sheet.Turning, she caught sight of him and smiled.
Did heimagine a sparkle in her eyes?A hint of happiness at the sight of him?
“Hi, want somefresh-baked cookies?” she asked, setting the hot baking sheet downon the counter.
He shook hishead.
“What I wantis you.”
Crossingthe room in three steps, he drew her into his arms andkissed her. Her lips were softand warm. Her skin smelled of flowers and chocolate. Her bodyseemed to come alive in his arms, or maybe it was his own comingalive. She filled his senses. He couldn’t get enough ofher.