Page 66 of Unexpected Union
“I wouldn’t beby myself if you hadn’t left,” she snapped, then stifled a groan asanother contraction gripped.
“I’mhere now and we have to get youto a hospital.”
“Great idea. Anyplans how to do that?”
“How far apartare the contractions?”
“I don’t know,they seem to come right after each other. I didn’t bring my watch.Why did you come back?”
Once thecontraction eased, she could think clearly.
“Did youforget something?”
Henodded gravely.“You.”
He sat besideher on the blanket and pulled her onto his lap, covering her lipswith his. The kiss was wonderful, fiery, exciting, and mostthorough.
Audrawas breathing hard when he rested his foreheadon hers, then tensed as anothercontraction hit.
“Ohhhh,” shemoaned softly. “This hurts!”
He glanced athis watch, frowning.
“We have toget going, Audra. I can’t believe you came out here when you weregoing into labor.”
“I didn’t doit deliberately.”
Sheslowly gained herfeetwith Mitch’s help. Standing cautiously, she took a deep breath.Every respite was welcomed.
She almostlaughed. “If I can’t, do you plan to carry me? Us?”
“If I haveto.”
“I canwalk, at least for a while. They said in the birthing classes that walking duringlabor often helps.”
“I suspectthey didn’t mean hiking in the Adirondacks.”
Shebraced for another contraction. “Ohhhhhh!”
Heencircled her shoulders, giving her something to lean against andcheckedhis watch.“Eight minutes apart. Does that mean anything to you?”
She shrugged,unable to do anything but fight against the pain. When it passed,she pushed against him to stand alone.
Lickingher lips, she said, “They’ll come closer and closertogether,but the wholeprocess takes hours. We’ll have time to get back.”
She hoped theydid. She couldn’t imagine delivering her baby in thewoods.
Quicklygathering the remnants of her picnic, Mitch stuffed everything intothe backpack and took her arm, leading the way toward the cabin.
“Why areyou here?” she asked as they walked slowly down the slight incline.
“Icouldn’t leave. I got all the way to the airport and realized it.So I came back. Then I couldn’t find you in the cottage. Mrs.Carmichael said you’d headed this way.”
Shestopped and almostdoubled over. He held her as she waited out thecontraction.