Page 13 of Fragile Union
"What do you mean you haven't seen her this morning?" There's no missing the pissed off edge to her tone.
"She was gone before I woke up." Not that it's any of Makenna's damn business what happens between my wife and me.
I hear the front door open; I glance up and see Holly as she strolls into the kitchen wearing a sports bra and yoga pants, her body slick with sweat. Alex walks in behind her with his gaze firmly on her ass. He’s part of Makenna’s close security team, a solider in the Irish Mafia. Dante caved and allowed the two Mafias to mix to protect them.
"There you are," Makenna says, "I've been looking for you." She glares at Alex who is her guard and I'm wondering why he's following my wife around like a fucking puppy in heat.
"I was running, what do you need?" Holly replies, I follow her as she moves further into the kitchen, and that motherfucker's gaze hasn't moved from her ass since she walked into the room. When she bends over to reach for something in the refrigerator, I move so I'm blocking the bastard's gaze.
"Alex, time for you to leave before you die," I tell him, my voice low.
I feel Holly tense behind me but doesn't say anything. It's something I'm fucking relieved about, she never argues with me. Ever. Unlike the way Dante and Makenna are, they argue about every fucking thing. It's a headache I could do without.
Alex leaves the room not once looking back at my wife. If I see him ogling at her again, I'm not going to be held accountable for my actions. That's fucking disrespectful, I know my wife's beautiful, she's a fucking knockout, but that doesn't give a man, any man that isn't me, the right to look at her with lust in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Her Irish accent is thick, but her words are soft and low.
"He's staring at your ass," I tell her as I spin around to face her. Her face is still red from her workout and sweat trickles from her face and down between her cleavage.
"My eyes are up here, hon," she tells me, and I can hear the smile in her voice. "And he wasn't staring at my arse."
I lift my gaze to her face, she's staring at me with barely concealed humor. "Doll face, are you a man?" She shakes her head but narrows her eyes. "Then trust me, he was staring at your ass."
She shakes her head. "So what if he was, it doesn't mean anything."
I step closer to her, pushing her back against the refrigerator. Her eyes are wide, the vein at her neck thumps hard. "You are mine, doll face. No other man gets to taste you, no other man gets to touch you, and no other fucking man gets to look at you with lust."
She swallows hard. "Rome," she whispers, and I feel that all the way to my cock. I fucking love the way she says my name. The way her tongue rolls the R, her Irish accent makes it sound like she’s saying a prayer.
I shake my head. "Nothing else to say. Next time he does it, he'll pay with his life," I promise her.
"Hon," she whispers and I'm not going to fucking lie, I love that she calls me that. Just me. "I won't ever do anything like that. A look is a look, it doesn't mean he's going to act on it, I certainly won't."
"You wouldn't survive if you even tried." For the first time, I let the full darkness seep into my words and watch as her eyes shutter close.
"Holly?" Makenna calls out and I bristle at the tone.
When Holly opens her eyes again, they're void of any emotion. "Noted," she says and moves away from me and toward her aunt. "What is it you need, Kenna?" Her voice softer when she talks to the boss.
"You'll be with me today," Makenna tells her and I grind my jaw.
My wife isn't like her, she's clean, innocent, and fucking pure from this life.
"Okay, give me thirty minutes and I'll be ready," Holly says. "Do I need anything?"
Makenna nods. "I need to find new real estate, somewhere secluded,"
Holly nods. "That's fine, anything else?"
"I also need you to talk to Maruzzo."
"No, fuck no," I say, as I step in between them.
Makenna glares at me. "Excuse you?" she replies, her tone filled with anger. "What did you say?"
"I said no. You're not going, no fucking way," I clip out, pissed Makenna's putting Holly in danger.
"Kenna," Holly says softly, "I'm going to go shower, I'll be ready in thirty." She turns to me, her eyes pleading with me. "You, follow me."