Page 22 of Fragile Union
"Jade," I say, I miss the crazy girl.
Makenna nods. "When was the last time you spoke to her?"
"A few weeks ago, she was talking about coming out here. But she had to speak to her attorney first."
"Why she got to speak to her attorney?" Dante asks.
"She's on bail at the moment, her court case is in six months’ time." I say, "She's being charged with manslaughter." My words come out a little harder than I intended. "Her legal team thinks that because of who her family is, that she'll be doing the maximum term which is about five years."
"Holy shit," Alessio breathes. "Are all the women in your family badass?"
Makenna grins. "Yes. Jade was kidnapped when she was seven, since then her da's made sure that she's able to take care of herself. All of us can fight, we can all shoot a gun, and we can all use a knife."
I nod. "We all know how to drive like a formula one driver. That's something that Da had made sure. He wanted us to be able to get away if need be."
"Wait," Alessio says, "you say we all. Holly, you can fight like Makenna?"
It's Kenna who answers. "Of course she can. She's Danny's sister for fuck sake."
I feel Romero's intense gaze on me, thankfully my phone rings and I take the time to answer it, not wanting to get into this discussion right now.
"Hey Da, what’s the craic?" I answer happily, I haven't spoken to him in a few days.
"Hol, I need you to get on the next flight to London," he instructs me.
My gaze collides with Makenna's and she's instantly alert as am I. "What's happened?"
"Fuck," he growls. "Melissa's gone into labor."
"Christ on a bike, Da, it's too early." I gasp, she's only thirty-four weeks pregnant.
"I know, baby girl. Get your arse on a plane. Your brother's no doubt a mess," he tells me.
"Okay, Da, I'll let you know when we're leaving."
"Love you, baby girl."
"Love you too, Da. See you soon." I end the call and see that Makenna's already on hers. "You sorting the flight?" I ask her, trying not to let the panic rise. Melissa and my niece are going to be okay. Lissa is strong as hell and the baby's a Gallagher, we're fierce and determined. We're fighters.
"Yep, we leave in forty-five minutes. Get your shit packed."
I jump down from the counter as does Makenna and I'd smile at the glare that Dante gives her if I weren't so worried about Lissa.
I pray that she and the baby are okay.
* * *
We'rein our hotel room, and I'm bone tired. I want to collapse on the bed and sleep. Danny and Melissa are okay, as is Annalise. My niece is beautiful and so bloody tiny. But Ma and daughter are doing great and I know Danny's relieved.
"She's okay, doll face," Romero says softly and I stare at him, wondering why he's like this. Why one minute he's mine, he'll do anything for me, and then the next he's barely even my husband.
"I know," I reply, as I look down at my hands, unsure how to even keep my heart safe from him anymore.
"When we return, we'll be moving." He tells me and I glance up at him, we are? "Doll face, you were right what you said to me about moving out of the house and getting our own. Since the day of the shootout in Granny Jones' I've been planning our move. I've purchased a house and it closed this morning. We'll move in once we're back in the States."
I see the determination in his eyes. This is what he wants. "Okay, Rome. Is there anything you need me to do?"
He smiles at me again. "Why am I not surprised that you're not arguing with me."