Page 42 of Fragile Union
“I thinkthat she’s planning something,” Alessio tells me and I’m so fucking close to snapping his neck. “I know that she’s a bitch, but I don’t see why you’re all fucking angry about it. I mean, you don’t even like her.”
I turn to Dante,needing him to sort this out before I do something like pull my knife and slit the fucker’s throat.
“It’s notRome that we’re worried about. It’s Holly. Don’t you think she’s got enough to worry about dealing with the fucking Damini’s trying to end her along with the Russians. Which is, your fucking fault for opening your damn mouth, but she also has to deal with a fucking bitch that doesn’t realize her place in this world.”
He openshis mouth as if he’s going to justify what he’s done but I cut him off. “If that cunt comes near my wife, I don’t give a fuck, I’m ending her. She’s been warned time and time again.”
“Holly will be hurtthat you fucked her, but that’s because the woman’s actively trying to get back into Romero’s bed,” Denis says inserting himself into our conversation. “It takes a lot before Holly will blow, and gentleman, she’s close to that point.” He has a fucking huge grin on his face, as though he’s looking forward to her losing her temper.
The doorbell ringsand I frown, where’s the damn guards?
“I’ll get it,”Holly calls out, I hear her footsteps on the stairs.
“Don’t,”I yell, something in my gut is saying that this isn’t right. But it’s too late, she’s already at the door. I glance at Denis and see the narrowing of his eyes as he takes the skillet off the stove. Both he and I are on the move before my brothers can say a word.
“What the fuckare you doing here?” Holly growls. Actually fucking growls.
I roundthe corner in time to see Georgina step into the house sporting a smile. She glances at me at the smile turns sinister. “Oh, Romero, there you are.”
The bitch opensher jacket to show that she’s wearing nothing but her lingerie. Fucking cunt. She grins as she takes the jacket off and throws it to the floor.
“Jesus,”Danny’s gruff voice snarls as he steps into the room. “Desperate much?”
“Someone had better sort that fuckingbitch out before I do,” Makenna threatens.
“Time for you to leave,”Holly announces as she grips hold of Georgina’s arm and drags her outside, leaving the bitch’s jacket lying on the ground.
Makenna,Danny, and Denis are all smirking. “Lis,” Danny calls out and within seconds his wife walks out of Makenna’s office with their daughter Annalise in her arms, “you’d be pissed if you missed this.”
She raisesher brow and then looks past us to where Holly’s standing, blocking Georgina from coming back into the house. “Is that the whore that doesn’t understand that Romero’s married?”
“Yep,she’d also be the woman that Alessio fucked last night,” Makenna sneers as she glares at my brother.
Holly turns her head,her eyes flashing with hurt as she too glares at Alessio. Fuck.
Georgina smirks.“Aww, poor Holly is jealous.”
Holly scoffs.“Not in the slightest. Disappointed, yes. Wondering if I should bring Alessio to get tested, definitely. What I don’t get, Georgie,” Holly taunts and I smirk, “is what you thought you’d accomplish by sleeping with Alessio. I mean, we all know that you love Romero, and that you’re desperate to do anything to get back into his bed. Which he’s made clear would never happen, did you think you’d make him jealous by sleeping with his brother?”
Georgina’s smirkfalls from her face.
“You can’t be that stupid,”Melissa comments. “No guy wants a woman that’s been with his brother.”
“If Romero wanted you,he’d have had you by now, he hasn’t, he doesn’t want you. It’s time for you to move the fuck on,” Makenna snaps as she takes a step forward.
“Bitch,”Georgina snarls, “don’t talk to me like that, little Miss sunshine here isn’t all that and Romero will be back to me.” She steps forward so that she’s inches away from Holly, “How does it feel knowing that you’re second best?”
“Oh, darling,”Holly smiles at her, “I’m no one’s second best. He married me, whereas he used you. You’re always going to be the bridesmaid, never the bride.” And with that parting shot, Holly cocks her arm back and pushes her fist forward, smashing it into Georgina’s face. “Now, you’ve been asked to leave. Nicely, I may add. Do it, before the niceties end.”
To make it even worse,Holly slams the door in her face. “Breakfast?” She asks with a smirk.
I pullher into my arms. “That’s some right hook you’ve got, doll face.”
She beams at me,“It is and don’t you forget it.”
“How the helldid I not know that Holly packed a mean punch?” Alessio asks.
“How didI not know that you were that desperate?” she returns, and I chuckle.