Page 55 of Fragile Union
“What the fuck do you think the men are thinking right now? You cozying up to the Pakhan of the Bratva?” Not to mention everything he’s done to bring harm to Holly, including sleeping with that motherfucking bitch, Georgina.
His jaw clenches. “I’m not cozying up to anyone.”
“What’s your problem?” I ask again, annoyed at having this fucking discussion. It should have been curbed until I had Holly back. “Is it Dante?”
He sighs. “I don’t have a problem with Dante. I have a problem with this whole fucking system. I’ve worked hard to be a part of the Famiglia, I earned my stripes just as Romero has done and yet, I’m treated as the kid brother. I’m thought of as a pain in the ass. Then when I’m doing what I’ve been tasked to do, I’m seen as the fucking enemy.” His nostrils flare as his face flames with anger.
Dante’s jaw clicks, he’s about as pissed as I am. Yeah, our wives need us and we’re here having this ridiculous conversation.
“You were given the title and role of Consigliere, that’s a motherfucking honor. One that you should have grasped and held onto tight. With this shit you’ve pulled, you don’t deserve it.”
We’re getting closer to Dante and Makenna’s house and it’s time to wrap this shit up.
“What you proved by your fucking stunt, is that you cannot be trusted. You are not for the family. You are all about you. We grew up, fast and hard, we had too, it was the way things were, but the three of us, we were each other’s protectors and Ales, the moment you stopped being that, you became the enemy.”
Dante pulls into the drive and I don’t hang around to hear Alessio’s response. I exit the car, I hear footsteps and car doors slamming shut behind me, the rest of the men have arrived. Good. It’s time to get down to business, find out where Holly is and end everyone who harmed her.
Walking into the house, a high pitched screech reaches my ears, I smirk when I realize who that screech belongs to—Georgina. I follow the sound to the basement and to my utter annoyance and astonishment, both Makenna and Melissa have Georgina strapped to a chair, her hair now shaved, giving her a buzz cut and both my sisters-in-law are smiling brightly.
“Ah, Romero,” Makenna says happily, but I see the pain behind the facade. She’s lost her father. “I’m not sure if you’d recognize Georgina here, but she wasn’t being very forthcoming with the information I needed, so Lissa and I decided we’d get her to talk.”
I raise a brow. “By shaving all her hair off?” I can’t stop the twitching of my lips. Damn, she’s got a big head. The hair Georgina did have, hid the size of it well.
Melissa shakes her head, her thick black hair falling around her face. “No, I need her hair gone so when I begin to scalp the bitch, I’ll be able to see what I’m doing. Having her lose all her hair is a bonus.”
My body goes solid. Did she say scalp? What the fuck? How the hell would she even know about scalping someone?
“You wouldn’t dare,” Georgina spits. “Do you know who my family is?”
Makenna laughs. “Oh, delusional little girl,” she tuts, and I’m pretty sure Georgina is older than both Makenna and Melissa. “Your family is no one of importance. They do not run this world. Hell, they don’t even run the fucking street their business is on. I do, my husband does. Us alone. Now, while Lissa here gets set up, we’re going to have a little talk.”
Georgina snarls at her, her lips twisted into a sneer as her eyes flash fire. “Fuck you, you fucking bitch.”
Makenna smiles at her words. “You do not want to piss me off, Georgie Porgie.”
Georgina snarls at her. “Don’t fucking call me that,” she spits out.
Makenna throws her head back and laughs. “Did I hit a nerve? Kids can be awful.”
I stand against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest and get ready to watch the show, Melissa’s lined up a scalpel, scissors, and gauzes on a wheelie tray, where she got them from, I have no fucking idea, but Melissa’s smart as hell, she’s also slightly crazy.
“So, where’s Holly?” Makenna asks again, she’s met with defiance from Georgina. “That’s okay, Georgie Porgie, we can wait. Lis here is almost ready for you anyway.” Makenna smiles as she lands a harsh punch to Georgina’s side.
“You motherfucking bitch!” Georgina wheezes out.
Melissa tuts. “Such an angry little fucking cunt,” the way she says cunt is as though she’s talking normally to her. “I’d advise you to be as still as you can, one slip and this scalpel is going to do a lot more damage than I intend and that’ll piss me off.” She sits on the stall that’s directly behind Georgina’s chair and reaches for the scalpel that’s beside her.
“I’ll hold her head,” Makenna says with a grin and I swear these two are fucking getting a kick out of this shit. “We wouldn’t want her to make any sudden movement that would end our fun way too soon.”
“Are we supposed to sit back and let this play out?” Danny grumbles, no doubt not wanting his wife in the midst of this.
“That’s exactly what we’re going to do.” Dante grins. “Our wives are bloodthirsty, they’ve lost Seamus, and Holly’s missing; they need to do this and they know when we find Holly’s location neither of them are going to be allowed to come with us.”
I watch in sick fascination as Makenna holds Georgina’s head as Melissa begins to cut along her scalp. Blood trickles down her face with each slice that Melissa inflicts on her. The only noise which can be heard is Georgina’s whimpering.
“I have no problem doing this all fucking day,” Melissa begins, her tone filled with anger. “Where the fuck is Holly?”
“I don’t know!” Georgina cries.