Page 71 of Fragile Union
Alessio nods immediately. “I know it will. But there was only one reason why I was there. Yelena. I needed to find her, I had hoped her grandfather would lead me into the right direction, but he was pissed I was the reason she fled.”
There’s utter silence, everyone taking in everything he’s said.
“That’s it,” he announces. “That’s what’s happened.”
Ah, so it’s question time.
“Why?” Holly says. “You obviously either deeply care for Yelena or love her. Why the hell did you sleep with Georgina?”
Just hearing that fucking bitch’s name has anger coursing through me.
Ales sighs. “It was the biggest mistake of my life. I was a fucking idiot. I tried to pretend Yelena didn’t mean that much to me. I’m paying the price for it now.”
“Right, I understand all that you’ve said,” Makenna says. “I even understand why you slept with that fucking bitch, but what I don’t understand, Alessio, is why you’ve been acting like a bastard since your father died.”
His jaw clenches, this isn’t what he wants to talk about. Too motherfucking bad. “Answer her,” I demand. Holly’s hand reaches for mine and she squeezes it. Christ. Having her in my arms is the best feeling in the world. I’ll never get used to her offering me comfort.
Ales sits back in the chair and looks up at the ceiling. “Dad was different with all three of us. He had no qualms in letting the three of us know just how much he hated us. But he tolerated Dante, he was next in line to be Capo. Rome, he gave you a wide berth, I know that was because of whatever the fuck happened when you were younger and had mom going crazy. Both of them were scared of you.”
Holly tenses in my arms, her head tilts back so she can look at me, her eyes filled with questions. I knew this day would come, that she’d need answers.
“But with me, he was a fucking bastard. Beaten, starved, you name it. I was his personal fucking punching bag. I had no option but to do as he said. It wasn’t until I was old enough to hit back that he finally left me alone. But when he died and everyone started saying how much I was like him and how fucking great the bastard was, I lost it.” The defeat in his voice has my gut burning.
“You’re not like him,” Holly announces. “I’ve heard the stories of what your father was like. How he’d rape and murder women who went against him. How he’d beat men for even the slightest indiscretion. That’s not you, any of you. You may bear his name, hell even look slightly like him. But you are not him.”
Alessio shakes his head, not ready to listen to sense.
“Okay, let me put it this way,” Holly continues, “do you think your father would give a fuck if he was in the position you were in with Yelena?”
Ales’ jaw clenches. “No, he’d have probably killed her.”
Holly nods. “Exactly. You are not your father, Ales, you are you. Now it’s time to make sure when people think of the Bianchi’s they do not see that arsehole. Instead, they see, the three of you and any children that you’ll all have. Make the world see you.”
My brother glances at us with unbridled fear and excitement. “What about Yelena?”
I look to Dante with a raised brow, wondering if it would be better for him to take the lead on this. But why would we need to when we have Holly and Makenna with us.
“Look, we’re not going to sit here and lie. We’re not happy you fell for the enemy,” Makenna begins.
Holly sighs. “Jesus,” she grunts. “What my dear auntie is trying to say is. You hurt her, Ales, in a way I would never forgive Rome if he did that to me. I’m pretty sure Makenna would slice Dante’s throat if he did it to her. My advice. Give her space. She ran and that alone tells us she needs the time to heal. Maybe, if she returns you could sort it out, until then, you need to sort your life out. Start living for you. If she does come back, at least you can prove to her you’ve changed.”
Makenna nods in agreement. “This is why Holly’s the shit. She’s more compassionate than the rest of us. But it doesn’t mean she’s wrong. If Yelena does come back and sees you’ve realized what you did was wrong, you may have a chance at fixing things.”
“But first,” Dante says in his boss tone, “you need to prove to the men, both Italian and Irish, that you are not a traitor.”
Alessio nods. “I will. I’m not stupid, I know I’ve fucked up, more than I should have. Holly, you of all people should be pissed at me the most.”
My wife smiles at him. “Why? You’re sorry for what you’ve done, and you won’t do it again.” I’m pretty sure there’s a threat lingering in her words.
Alessio chuckles. “No I won’t. But still, I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted. Now, can we move on from this?” He nods, “Good, can we help in any way for you to rebuild your life? The way you were going, you’d have been dead within five years.”
My arms tighten around her again. She’s got the fucking softest heart of anyone I know. I’m grateful she’s so forgiving and willing to help him.
“Thank you, but right now, I need to do that myself.”
Pride fills Dante and Makenna’s eyes. I know if anyone looked in mine, they’d see the same reflected in them. It takes a lot for a man to not only admit they were wrong but to restart their life when they’ve hit rock bottom.