Page 41 of Shattered Union
"That's what your men have been calling her. Especially Justin, he's been around her for a while now. Not realising who she was to you. Think he nearly shit himself when he found that piece of information out."
I can fucking bet. The bastard probably wanted in there.
"Think he's a bit young for her though," Mike comments.
"Whatever. Why princess?"
He makes a tutting sound. "Boss, she's not your queen yet, so until she is, she's the princess,” he tells me, as though I'm fucking stupid. “Anyway, both your girls are good, they're talking away like they've known each other for years.”
I relax into my seat and end the call. Thank fuck. It'll be good to see how they interact, but from what I've heard from the men who have seen them together. Chloe and Callie are tight as fuck. It’s something that even when Callie and I sort our shit out, I don't want changing. Chloe needs someone in her life she can rely on, and that's Callie.
It doesn't take me long until I'm pulling into the parking lot of the pub. As with the rest of Callie's businesses, it's thriving. She's made a name for herself. Anyone who's anyone knows of her and is impressed by her work ethic. Hell, many pub owners around the country want to hire her to transform their own businesses. Like she has fucking time for that shit.
As soon as I push open the door, I'm greeted by silence. It's the downfall of going to a pub which is frequented by regulars. Anyone who's not one of them is an outsider. However, once they realise who I am, the chatter picks up again.
"Dad, what are you doing here?" Chloe asks as I get to the bar where she's currently perched on a stool.
"I came to check in on you. Are you okay?"
She shrugs, her gaze drifting to Callie, who looks pale and tired. "Hey,mo ghrá," I say softly and hear Chloe's sharp intake of breath.
My kids know what I'm like with Zoe. I'm not soft or tender and I certainly don't do fucking pet names. Unless you consider cunt and bitch pet names.
"Hey, Denis, what can I get you?" Callie replies, moving toward where me and Chloe are. I'm fucking pleased she's not ignoring me.
"Guinness, please, baby."
She nods, her gaze going to Chloe, and her features soften. "You doing okay, Chloe?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. You promise you'll be there tomorrow?"
Callie's smile is blinding. It reaches those beautiful blueish-grey eyes and takes over her entire face. God, that's the most precious thing ever. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm looking forward to seeing you dance."
"What's this?" I question, my gaze darting between them.
"Chloe's dance school is doing a show tomorrow. She's asked if I'd go, as her mam isn't." The anger in her voice is clear to hear and I know it's because Zoe's a bitch and won't be going to see Chloe dance.
I look down at my baby girl and see she's looking nervous. "Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugs. "You've been busy, I didn't want to make it worse."
I wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss her head. "You could never make it worse. What time does it start?"
She bites her lip, but I see the smile forming. "Eight." Her gaze goes to Callie. "Will you still go if Da's going?"
Callie puts a pint of Guinness in front of me. "Darling, I told you I wouldn't miss it, and I'm not going to. Your dad and I are adults and what's happened between us has happened. But we both love you, so we're going to watch you dance."
I thought Callie's blinding smile was the most precious thing ever. I was wrong. Watching my daughter smile so brightly is. "Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever."
Callie laughs softly. "Yeah, darling, it will be."
"What's this about a dance?" Ava asks as she comes to stand beside Callie. She's throwing daggers at me. I guess she's been told about what's happened between me and her best friend.
Callie tells her about Chloe's dance that's on tomorrow.
"Oh, can I come? Callie's been telling me about how excited you've been."