Page 6 of Shattered Union
I take a seat on the leather sofa, my arse sinking into it as soon as I sit down. I let out a contented sigh. God, it's so good to be home. "Yeah, there's a bar in London that was having problems with the supplier. It took me four days to sort it out." There was also some trouble between two employees. I don't take any shit and everything I had heard from the other employees, it was enough for me to fire the two incompetent arseholes that were stealing from me and having screaming matches every night.
"So, that answers where I was for the past ten days. Where have you been?"
"Fuck, you're a breath of fresh air," he comments. "My business takes up a lot of time. I could receive a call at any time of the day and I'll need to go. That situation could take minutes, hours, or days to resolve. Then, of course, something else always seems to pop up, needing my attention."
I nod. "I completely understand, but, Denis, you're the one who disappeared without a word, not me. You don't get to act like the injured party. All it took was a minute to tell me you had to go somewhere and you weren't sure when you'd be back. But youwouldbe back."
He scrubs his hand over his jaw, his stubble growing to a five o'clock shadow showcasing the few grey hairs he has. "You're right. I fucked up, and for what it's worth. I am sorry."
"What do you want from me, Denis?" I hate the awkwardness between us. When we met it was as though someone had set off a firework, the attraction was sizzling. I'm still attracted to him, but it feels as though there's something between us, blocking everything.
He doesn't even hesitate. "I want everything. I'm forty years old and I've never felt the instant attraction we have. I want to explore where this goes."
"And if I said no?"
The arsehole merely grins at me. "You won't."
"Cocky," I snap at him. "I don't know, okay. I don't know you, so I don't trust you. What you're asking for is a lot. You want me to take a risk."
So far, any risk I've ever taken in my love life hasn't panned out that great.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm asking from you. I want everything from you. I'll be demanding, possessive, and unbearable to deal with. But, Callie, you should know, when I want something, I'll do whatever the fuck I can to ensure I get it." The gleam in his eye tells me he's not messing with me. He will do whatever the hell it takes to get me.
Do I want this with him? Yes, I do, but the fear is there; the pain and suffering I had endured at the hands of Keith. It hurt. It chipped away at pieces of my heart and soul. I have a feeling that if Denis hurt me, I’d be shattered. I honestly don’t think I’d have the strength to come back from that.
I take a deep breath. "You lie to me and we're done. You hurt me and we are done. I can take a lot, Denis. I can accept that you'll be gone for days, weeks, months at a time. But no lying or cheating. Those are things I can't and won't accept."
His green eyes darken, almost turning a shade of black. "Same goes for you. You cheat on me, Callie, and it won't be over, I'll snap that pretty neck of yours." The anger in his voice has my breath catching in my lungs. "You going to give us a try?"
I nod. "Yes," I whisper.
He gets to his feet and hauls me to his side. His lips crash down against mine and I sink into his embrace. "Thank you,mo ghrá, for giving us a chance."[My love]
My heart slams against my chest when he calls me his love. God. "Just don't hurt me," I whisper.
His gaze scans my face. "Never," he vows, and I believe him.
Maybe this is the start of something great. Could this be what I've been searching for? I guess time will tell.
"Where the fuck are you going?" Zoe screams at me. Her face twisted in anger.
I spare a glance at my girls, Chloe and Mary. Chloe's thirteen and Mary's just a year old. They're not paying attention to what's happening between their mother and me. They're both used to the bullshit Zoe dishes out and no longer reacts to it.
"I've shit to do," I respond. Truth is, I can't bear to be around the bitch, and I get away from the house as much as possible. My girls are fine. As soon as I leave, Zoe will too, and fuck the night away with anyone she wants to. As long as she keeps her fucking arse away from me, I don’t give a fuck who she does.
"Who is she?" she demands, her voice rising with each syllable.
I bend and give my kids a kiss on their cheeks. Both of them reward me by beaming at me. "I'll be back later, okay?"
Chloe nods, "Have fun, Daddy."
I wink at her. "You too, peanut."
"I'm fucking talking to you, you fucking bastard," Zoe roars after me.