Page 71 of Shattered Union
“You love him?” The confusion in his voice makes my heart hurt. Stephen doesn’t really understand the concept. He loves me as family, just as I love him. But he doesn’t grasp loving someone who isn’t.
“You know how Mam and Dad talk about their love?” I ask, and he nods. “Remember, I’d always tell you I’d find the man that made me feel that all-consuming love?” I smile as he nods again. “I found him, Stephen. I found him and he wasn’t mine to have.”
He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. “He’s always been yours, Callie girl. Always. That bitch put Denis in a shitty situation. He made the right choice. He chose his son, just as you would have. Let it go and rebuild what you found.”
“He’s coming here tomorrow,” I whisper. “I’m going to meet the other kids.”
“Better you than me,” he quips. “You’ll be fine. That man loves you. But if he fucks you around. I’ll deal with him.”
I laugh, just as he intended. “You say the nicest things.”
His chuckle is low, it’s a sound I love but don’t hear often. “When are you going home?”
I tremble at his words. “I’m not, I’m selling the place.”
“Callie?” he questions. “Why? You worked so hard for your home. It was everything you wanted.”
I take a deep breath and confess why I’m not returning. “I’m scared, okay? I can’t face the thought of going back there. Every time I even think about stepping foot in the house, a cold sweat comes over me and I feel like I’m about to vomit.”
His arm tightens around me. “I didn’t realise.”
I take a deep breath and tell him something I haven’t told anyone. “I didn’t want you to know. What happened…” I shake my head. “I froze, Stephen. I learned how to take care of myself. You and Mav made sure of it, but when he was in my home. I froze.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it.” His voice is low and soothing. “You were in an intense situation, you kept yourself alive and that’s all any of us want.”
“I was weak. I’m still weak.”
“Nah, you’re anything but. You’re a survivor. You could have hid away from the world after what that animal did to you, but you’re living your life. So fucking what if you can’t live in the house it happened in? Fuck that. You’re alive and you're thriving.”
God. He’s the best.
“How did I get so lucky having you as a big brother?”
He grins at me. “I think I’m the lucky one. You found me, remember. You gave me a home. Without you, Freddie and I would have ended up a hell of a lot worse than we are.”
They’d have been in jail. There’s no doubt in my mind that’s where they would have ended up.
“You’re one of the best men I know.” If not the best man.
His chuckle is louder this time. “Your idea of a good man is screwed up, Callie girl.”
I elbow him in his gut, he’s a mass of muscle so it doesn’t even faze him. “Shut up,” I whine.
“I’m glad you’re okay and I promise you we’re going to find whoever the fuck did this to you.” The menacing threat hangs in the air.
I know I should tell him to leave it alone, and we should all move on. But I can’t and I know he’ll never walk away. He’s going to find out who did it and when he does, he’s going to torture them. Hurt them in ways they’ve never thought possible and all the while, Stephen will be smiling.
“Love you, Stephen,” I whisper, knowing he’ll never say the words back, and I’m okay with that.
He kisses my forehead. “Go get some sleep, Callie girl. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I sigh as I get to my feet. “Night, see you tomorrow.”
He watches me as I walk away, not leaving until I’m inside the house with the door locked.
I know how lucky I am to have so many people care about me. I just pray they find whoever did it soon. I hate living my life looking over my shoulder and I want my family to go back to living their lives instead of babysitting me.