Page 88 of Shattered Union
Oh, fuck me. I don't want to have this fucking conversation with these two. I know they'll only piss me off and I can't off her da. Not after we've just fucking made up. She's told me just how close she is to her da. Killing him would hurt her, and that's not something I'm willing to do again. Not if I can help it. Butch is a completely different matter. I don't have any qualms about taking him out.
Butch raises his bottle to his lips and takes a sip. "Not really," he says. "She told no one about him when he hurt her. That told us more than enough. We knew then that she loved you," he snarls at me. "Why, I have no feckin' idea. But she does and I love my niece enough to respect her wishes." He glares at me. "Hurt her again, Gallagher, and it'll be the last fucking thing you do."
My lips curve into a smile. "Try me," I tell him, my words laced with warning. "You do not want to even fucking try, Butcher. Not even in the slightest. I'd wipe out your entire chapter and do it with a smile."
Butch tenses at my words, his hand inches down his body, no doubt toward where his knife or gun are concealed.
"This isn't happening," Eric hisses at us. "My daughter has made her choice, Butch. She's chosen Denis. We may not like it, but you'll respect Callie's decision. My daughter is smart and knows herself. She's done what she believes is best for her. She'll hate you if you're against her."
I grit my teeth. I don't want nor need anyone getting involved in this. Nor do I want Callie to hear what we have said. Any of this gets back to her and I'll be going for blood. Knowing this conversation would hurt her, I want to keep it quiet. Callie is mine and our relationship is just that. Ours.
"Why the fuck did she pick that arsehole?" he mutters to himself, taking another sip from his bottle. "The entire Irish population and she had to pick you." He shakes his head in disgust.
I just smile at the bastard knowing that I'm getting a reaction out of him.
"You've made my wife extremely happy," Eric says after a moment of silence.
"Fuck me," Butch groans. "What sort of incestuous shit is this?"
"Arsehole," Eric fires back. "Callie and Denis have asked Nic to go to the scan with them."
Butch smirks. "Clever," he tells me. "Getting the mother-in-law onside. She's the hardest. This one," he nods his head at Eric, "is easy, just make Callie happy."
"Never call Nic that. I think she'd have a fucking breakdown. You're only three years younger than her."
"Noted," I say, trying to hide my amusement.
"Oh, fucking hell." I hear someone groan from behind me.
"This should be fun," comments someone else.
"Fuck," Eric hisses.
I tense and turn my gaze to where Eric's staring and see a woman with huge peroxide-blonde hair, thick eyelashes, with dark liner on her eyes. She's wearing a tight top that has her breast almost spilling from it. Her skirt is short, barley covering her arse. She prowls into the pub like she's on a mission.
"God, what the fuck is that bitch doing here?" Butch questions his gaze also on the newcomer.
"Who is she?" I ask, wondering why everyone's so tense about a woman.
"Leeane McHugh," Eric informs me.
"She's changed," I comment. The woman has always been the same though. Always looking for her next man, always on the prowl for a quick fuck. She doesn't care who it's with as long as it's a good time. Hell, she prefers if the man's married or in a long-term relationship. She's all for flaunting it in the faces of the women. Like she gets off on the power it gives her.
"Please tell me you didn't go there," Eric asks, a slight pleading in his tone.
"I ain't fucking desperate," I snarl. No fucking way would I ever go anywhere near the bitch. God knows what she's caught.
"Thank the Lord," he whispers. "I'm not sure how Callie would deal with it if you had."
"You," the woman in question yells. "Have you seen what your daughter did to mine?"
"Leeane, now isn't the time to be doing this," Ava says, stepping forward to stand between the two women.
"Ava, it's grand," the other lady tells her. "Let the whore speak, she's obviously came for a fight and if she thinks what Mallory did to her daughter was bad, she's not seen anything yet."
Leeane's face reddens at the woman's words. "You always were a bitch, Jayne. Your daughter broke my Marie's nose."
Jayne smiles. "Aww, the poor princess. Maybe now she'd think twice about bullying girls that are younger than her. Or better yet, anyone at all."