Page 97 of Shattered Union
It's Danny's laughter that has him tensing this time. "My ma was a superb actress. She knew how to play a role. And she played you like an expert. She would never have left with you. She needed you and once she got what she wanted, you'd have been discarded."
It's fucking shit that he knows exactly what his ma was like.
"Anyone have anything else to add?" I ask, wanting to end this bastard’s life once and for all.
They all shake their heads. Butch the crazy motherfucker just waves his hand for me to continue.
"You know, Will, on my way here, I listened to my sons talk about the ways I should kill you. But I have another plan." I turn to Stephen and smile. The light in his eyes brightens as he senses what I'm getting at. "Your wood chipper available?"
"For this, absolutely. It's at the farmhouse. It'll take us about thirty minutes to get there. You ready?"
I nod to Justin and Michael, who untie William from the pillar and throw him into the boot of Justin's car. "Lead the way," I tell Stephen as I climb into my car. He nods and everyone moves toward their own vehicles.
What I have planned for this arsehole is going to hurt, but the sounds of his screams are going to be a balm to everyone.
Half an hour later and we all pull up outside a farmhouse. The energy in our group is bouncing. Everyone knows what's going to happen, but I don't think they know just how it's going to end for William.
Stephen sets up, putting plastic tarp on the ground and putting a forensic suit over his clothes. He knows it's about to get messy.
"How far away are your neighbours?" I ask, wondering if we'll get away with no one hearing.
"Don't worry, we're all alone out here," he responds and turns on the wood chipper.
Michael and Justin drag a struggling William from the boot of the car. "Where do you want him, boss?"
I nod in Stephen's direction. "Hand him over to Maguire," I instruct them with glee.
"No," William says, shaking his head. "Please no," he pleads, as the stench of urine hits me. Looking at the bastard, I see he has yet again pissed himself.
I watch on with morbid fascination as Stephen hoists William onto the wood chipper.
"Any last words," I say and the fucker whimpers. I lift my chin, letting Stephen know he's good to go.
Within seconds, William's screams rent the air. The sound of metal grinding against flesh and bone soothes my anger.
The only sound comes from William. Everyone else stands and watches as his leg gets mangled in the machine, quickly followed by the other. Soon the sounds of his screams die as the blood loss and pain become too much.
An hour later and finally the fucker is dead. We have put every inch of him through the machine, leaving just fragments of bone behind.
"Right," Eric says a little hoarsely. "It's time to go home and get ready for the party. Denis, I'll let you tell my girl the good news. I'll see you all at three." He turns on his heel and moves back to the SUV.
Butch shakes his head. "The guy never could swallow the blood and gore. But at least our Callie girl is safe."
My jaw clenches at him saying ours. Callie is mine.
"Stephen, do you need a hand?" Jer questions with a smirk.
"Nah, I'm grand. This shit is done. I'll burn it tomorrow. Well, whatever's left of it. The wildlife will take bits of it." He pulls off the overalls. "There had better be cake and booze at this party."
I shake my head as the others put in what else they want at the party. It's weird to see how at ease the two families are around each other. Never did I think Jer and I would come to a truce. But here we are.
* * *
"Ready?" Callie asks, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Since I've returned, she's lighter, happier. The darkness and fear that was in her eyes has slowly seeped away.
"Yeah,mo ghrá, let's find out what we're having."
She leans against me as I lead her out into the garden. Chloe and Nichola really went all out for today. There's a huge gazebo in the garden in case it rains, there's a table that's set up along the width of the gazebo that's filled with food. Not an inch that isn't covered. From cakes to sausage rolls to sandwiches. The men all have bottles of beer in their hands and the women have some fruity drinks. The kids are happy. Mary and Gareth have been stealing all the attention today. Callie's family has welcomed mine with open arms. Nichola's already calling Chloe, Mary, and Gareth her grandbabies and I for one will not argue, especially when my children have had enormous smiles on their faces all day because of her and the O'Hara family.