Page 58 of Hateful Union
Tears leak from my eyes. “Mo graw hoo,” I reply and his eyes go soft and his lips spread into a beautiful smile.
“Nothing is going to happen to you, Raylee, no way. I’d fucking kill to protect you. I’d die for you. Do you understand?”
I nod, “The sooner this is over, the sooner we can start living our lives together.”
A cocky grin forms. “Yeah, you’ll be moving in with me.” I raise my brow, what the hell? “Mo stór,” he begins softly, reaching into his suit jacket pocket and pulling out a pharmacy bag. “I think there’s a lot more to it than you being stressed. Take this, I’ll be outside.”
I take the bag from him, confusion spreading through me. What’s he talking about? He kisses my forehead before moving out of the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. I peek into the bag and the breath is stolen from me. A pregnancy test?
My heart hammers against my chest as I quickly do the calculations in my head. It’s been almost six weeks since Malcolm and I had sex the first time and I haven’t had a period since then.
God. What am I going to do?
I’m pacing outside the bathroom waiting for her. I’ve suspected that it was more than just stress, but I’m not entirely sure. Fuck, how long does it take to do the test? My chest feels as though it’s about to cave in. Like something heavy is sitting on it, making it tight and hard to breathe.
“Mal?” Her voice is soft, but I hear it. I turn on my heel and push the door to the bathroom open. She’s wringing her hands together, her teeth nibbling on her plump bottom lip. I’ve never seen her so nervous. She’s usually so sure of herself.
I open my arms and she rushes into them. “Mo stór, no matter what, it’ll be okay,” I promise her. No matter what that test says, I’m here with her. Always. She’s mine and I’m not letting her go.
“I love you,” she whispers, her body trembling in my arms.
“Mo grá thú.” I kiss the top of her head, needing to touch her. I fucking hate that she’s so frightened.
“It’s positive.” She pulls back and looks up at me, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. The tightness in my chest ebbs away and I’m able to inhale a breath.
I stare at the woman that captured my heart. “Fuck, I never thought it was possible to love you even more. But standing here holding you in my arms, you pregnant with my kid, and having that happy as fuck look on your face.” I shake my head. “You’re the best thing in my life, Raylee.”
She stares at me with wide eyes. “You’re happy?”
I cup the back of her head, “Yeah,mo stór, fucking over the moon.”
She finally relaxes, her smile blinding. I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight in my life. “If it’s a boy, can we name him Mayer?”
“Girl or boy,” I reply instantly. I gape at her as she bursts into tears and crashes against my chest, sobbing into my shirt. “Baby, why are you crying?”
She sucks in a breath. “I’m just so happy,” she cries and I shake my head as I pull her in closer to me. “Love you, Mal.”
“Love you too,mo stór, now let’s get you something to eat and drink.” The last thing I need is for her to be dehydrated because she’s unable to keep anything down. I press my lips against hers, she opens her mouth, giving me access to it and I sweep my tongue in, I feel her moan in my dick and I regretfully pull back. “Baby, I want nothing more than take you to bed and show you just how fucking happy you’ve made me. But our friends are waiting for us and your Ma’s on her way.”
She smiles at me, “Rain check?”
I grin at her, “Like you even have to ask.” I can’t get enough of her and I don’t think I ever will.
She reaches for my hand and moves towards the door, “Are we telling people yet?”
I want to scream it from the fucking rooftops. “What do you want to do?”
She nibbles on her lip again, it’s something she does when she’s nervous. “Not yet, can we tell them once we’ve got all this shit out of the way?” She sighs, “I know you’ll have to tell Christian, that man’s worse than the old women at the hair salon.”
I grin because she’s not wrong. “I’ll tell Chris, but we’ll tell your family once we’ve sorted this out.”
She narrows her eyes at me, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you not saying you’d wait to tell your family.”
I just smile at her, “I need to feed you and get you a drink, come on.”