Page 45 of Vengeful Union
I shrug. "I wasn't in the mood to talk, and you were being an ass."
His lips twitch. "So, you hung up and gave me no way of contacting you."
I hold up a hand. "Whoa there, Psycho Boy. You have plenty of men who are around me at all times. If you really needed to contact me, you could have called any of them. So don't get your panties in a twist."
"What happened? I left this morning, and you were fine. I return and find you fast asleep outside with tear tracks on your face."
"You wouldn't understand," I tell him as I climb out of bed. He's way too close to me. I wanted time to think, but whenever he's around me, my mind gets muddled.
His fingers wrap around my wrist and pull me to a stop. "Try me." He winds his hand into my hair. "Talk to me, baby."
I grit my teeth. "Why?" I snap. "Why do you care? Why are you even here?"
His beautiful blue eyes flash with anger, and his hand tightens in my hair. "Fuck if I know why I care, but I do. You mean something to me, and I've told you, I'm not letting you go. No matter how hard you push me away, Dest, I'm going to be pulling you right back to me."
Fucking ass. God, why does he have to say shit like that? How am I supposed to keep him at arm’s length when he makes my heart melt?
"What's going on?" he asks, bringing my hand to his lips and placing a kiss against my palm.
"Everything is getting on top of me. Okay? I feel as though I'm losing my mind. I'm once again caged in. I can't go anywhere or do anything. I'm watched twenty-four seven and it's driving me crazy. I get rid of one gilded cage and end up in another."
He steps closer to me. "You are not in a cage. I need you safe, Destiny. It's been over two months and all I can think of is you. You're my every fucking thought. If something happens to you, I'll lose my mind." His words come out as a rumble.
I swallow hard at the sincerity in his eyes. "Finn," I whisper, unsure of what to say right now.
"Waking up from that fucking coma and realizing that not only had my da died, but they held his funeral without me, and everyone involved was dead… Something snapped inside of me. I'm not going to lie to you, baby," he releases my wrist and cups my cheek, "I was lost. Walking around in the anger and darkness that swirled inside."
My breath catches as tears spring to my eyes. God, how did I not know he had suffered so deeply from the death of his father?
"What brought you back?" I whisper, hoping he'll continue to talk to me.
"I found out your father was the mastermind behind the attack on my family. Because of him, my niece was taken, my cousin and I were shot, and my father died. I wanted my revenge. I finally had someone to hold accountable. I was going to unleash the rage from within."
I swallow hard at his words. "That gave you a purpose," I say, knowing it would have given him a way to direct the anger.
He nods. "I plotted for over nine months and knew exactly what I wanted. The best way to get to my prey was to break him. Make him suffer in the most painful way possible." His eyes are wild. They're the darkest blue I've seen, and yet they're also filled with remorse.
"Me," I surmise, my throat thick and tight as I ward off the tears that are threatening to come.
His thumb strokes my cheek. "The moment I saw you, I knew that could never happen. Your beauty struck me. I couldn't understand how someone so exquisite could be related to someone so malevolent. But then I saw the steel behind those wicked emerald eyes, the determination and anger. I knew instantly that I needed to protect you. To get you out of that situation."
I understand why he thought about using me. "You bought me," I hiss at him, still pissed that he did that.
He shakes his head. "No, baby, I didn't. Your father still owes me the money. I lied to him to get you to safety, and I'd do it a hundred times over if it meant you'd be free of him."
I gape at him, utterly confused. "What do you want from me?" It's something I don't understand. "I have nothing to offer you. My father's organization has nothing to do with me. When my father's gone, it won't be mine."
His jaw clenches. "Is that what you think I want?" he snarls. "Fucking hell, Dest." He releases me like I've burned him. "Christ," he snaps, then starts pacing.
I sit down on the bed, my fingers kneading into the sheets as I wait for him to say what's on his mind.
Watching him pace is like watching a caged animal waiting to be unleashed.
"I'm going to say this once, Destiny. Just once," he rumbles. "You say that shit to me again, and I'm turning that gorgeous arse of yours red."
"Hell fucking no," I snort, squirming at just the thought of it.
He raises a brow, a taunting smirk on his face. "Try me, baby."