Page 52 of Vengeful Union
“What she’s trying to ask is,” a beautiful, black-haired woman says, stepping forward, “did Finn hurt you?”
“Would I be here today if he had?” I reply instantly. “I’m not someone who’ll take shit from Finn. That’s just not who I am. Psycho Boy tries to assert his dominance; it just doesn’t work.”
The beautiful woman smiles brightly. “Yeah, these Gallagher men try,” she tells me as she steps forward. “Danny’s the same. It never works.” When she holds her hand out for me to shake, I take it. “Hey, I’m Melissa, and the guy who’s glaring with that crazed glint in his eye is my husband, Danny. The kids aren’t here today; their nannies have taken them out for the day.” She grins at me. She’s probably happy to have a little alone time with her husband.
I understand why they wouldn’t want the kids around while I’m here. They don’t know me. Don’t trust me. I’d have done the same if the situations were reversed.
For the first time since walking into this house, I smile genuinely. I like this woman. “Hey, it’s nice to meet you.”
Melissa claps her hands together. “Okay, now that the introductions are out of the way and Finn knows we won’t harm her, you can all talk.”
Romero scoffs. “Speak for yourself.”
“Romero.” The lethal rumble comes from Finn, and I push closer to him, hating that he’s pissed.
“What?” The anger in Romero’s voice gets my back up. “Her father’s a fucking bastard. She’s a fucking Carter.”
Oh no. No, I won’t take this shit. “And your father was a saint?” I retort. “I mean, we all know Matteo Bianchi was the perfect gentleman. Right?”
Romero’s eyes flash with anger, his lips curling into a snarl. “Careful,” he warns.
Finn steps forward, his strides purposeful and intense. He gets into Romero’s face. “You can’t judge,” he growls. “Your father’s the reason my sister had her throat slit. Yet you stand here, in her kitchen, and she’s welcomed you into the family.” His entire body is tense and braced, ready for a fight.
“Hey, Psycho Boy,” I call out teasingly, hoping to defuse the situation. Everyone’s eyes widen at my words. Yeah, I’m baiting the angry monster right now. “He’s not worth it. Honestly.”
Finn turns and pins me with a glare. The rage swelling in his beautiful blue eyes makes my heart clench. I know he's this pissed off because of me, because of how Romero is treating me. “He does not get to treat you like this.”
I shake my head. “You’re right. I don’t deserve to be treated like shit. But he's entitled to his feelings. My father caused Holly and this family a lot of pain, and I understand that he's angry about it. However, he also has to realize that we are not our fathers. We may bear their names, but that doesn't mean we are them.”
“You may not be your father, but that doesn't mean I trust you. I don't want you anywhere near my wife,” Romero growls at me.
“I completely understand where you're coming from,” I tell him honestly. If the tables were turned, I would be feeling the same way Romero is.
My father is the reason Finn got shot, and just the thought of my father being anywhere near him makes my heart clench and nausea swirl in my gut.
“She’s not going anywhere. You have a problem, Romero, that's your fucking problem, but you will not fucking take your rage out on Destiny,” Finn rumbles as he takes yet another step toward Romero. They're practically nose to nose. “One more fucking word,” he snarls, “and me and you are going to have a fucking problem.”
Okay, enough is enough. “Finn,” I say softly, “It’s okay.”
He takes a step back but keeps his eyes firmly on Romero. “This fucker doesn’t get to treat you this way, and then think I’m going to be okay with it.”
“Enough,” Makenna snaps. “No more. Romero, you’ve said your piece. It’s done. Finn, stand down.”
The glare Finn spears his sister with would make a lesser female cower, but not Makenna. I was right; this family is crackers. All of them are crazy. I must admit, I quite like them.
“Finn,” I say as I step closer to him, laying my hand on his back. “Please,” I say softly, so only he can hear me. “Just leave it.”
His jaw tenses, but thankfully, he says nothing else.
“Right,” Makenna begins. “My office, now.”
Every single man in the kitchen straightens and follows her. Finn gives me a lingering look, wanting to make sure I’m okay. I give a subtle nod, and he exits the room, leaving me with the women. Something I’m not entirely comfortable with. I’m not much of a girl’s girl. I’ve spent most of my life surrounded by men.
“Welcome to the family, Destiny,” Melissa says with a grin, as she and the other women sit down at the table. Melissa pulls a chair out and taps it for me to sit down.
The rest of the women nod in agreement.
“Hey, Destiny, I’m Callie. I’m married to Finn’s brother, Denis.” The beautiful, silver-haired woman has one of the biggest and brightest smiles I have ever seen. Her Irish accent is thick and heavy, but I like it. Irish accents are sexy as hell. I love Finn's. It's not as heavy as Callie’s, but it still makes me tingle.