Page 72 of Vengeful Union
“Want to talk about fair?” I snarl, my anger brimming to the surface. “What’s fair about you targeting an eighteen-year-old woman and using her fear against her?” I take a menacing step toward Patrick, loving the fear that seeps into his eyes.
“She could have died,” I hiss in his face. “You’ll pay for that.”
He sneers at me. “You’re all fucking disgraceful. Every single last one of you.” He glares at each of us. “If it’s not the women marrying the Italians, like whores, it’s the men marrying the sluts. And you,” he snarls at me. “You’re fucking the cunt whose father killed our own.”
I can’t stop my reaction. I snap my fist out and land a punch to his side, right where his ribs are. They crack beneath my knuckles. He releases a painful moan, and I smile.
“Call her a cunt again, Pat, and I’ll start taking strips from your skin.” There’s no mistaking the lethalness in my tone.
No one gets to disrespect the woman I love.
“You’re choosing her over your own flesh and blood?” he questions.
I stare him dead in the eyes. “Fuck yes,” I tell him without hesitation.
“Something you don’t know, Pat,” Makenna begins, stepping between us. “Destiny is the one who killed Carter.”
Both of my brothers’ eyes widen with surprise. “What?” Pat hisses. “Who the hell kills their parent?”
I chuckle, but it’s humorless. “Same could be said about trying to take out a sibling. But don’t worry, Pat, you don’t have to ask what we think about that. None of us have a problem with taking you out.”
He sits up straighter, daring us to have our shot. I shrug and take a step backward. He gets a deep furrow between his brows, but that confusion soon disappears when Liam steps up to him.
Liam, who spars with his son on a regular basis, is no slouch when it comes to throwing punches. He delivers two fast-paced and accurate jabs to Pat’s stomach, leaving the prick winded.
“What the fuck?” Pat wheezes.
But Liam isn’t finished just yet. It was agreed that we’d all get five shots each. Then I’d take care of Pat while Makenna took care of Cian. No one objected. After all, they’re getting a chance to unleash their anger. Five shots at both brothers—each. It’s the fairest deal they’d ever get.
Liam hits Pat in his stomach yet again, winding him even further. Once he’s finished, he moves to Cian and gives him the exact same treatment as his brother. After all, he wanted to follow Pat in this stupid coup, so he’ll receive the exact same treatment. Killian follows suit, and his punches to the torso are brutal.
Granda is next. But instead of using his fists, he takes his cane that’s resting against the wall and brings it down on their knees and across their chests. The welts he leaves are red and raw. Both men are feeling the effects of what’s happening to them. The pain is etched on their faces and they’re wincing with every hit they take.
“You deserve everything you’re about to get.” His voice filled with anger and disappointment. “You betrayed our family, and you’ll pay the consequence.”
Next up is Malcolm. He’s not as good a fighter as the others, but he packs a punch. He’s got more muscle than most. He smashes his fist into Pat’s temple, and then into Cian’s. He’s giving them their punishment consecutively. I am fucking loving it. He switches up where he attacks. Next, it’s a jab to their solar plexus, and both men crumble forward, sucking in deep breaths.
“Enough,” Pat demands once Mal has finished with them. But his words are met by laughter.
Stupid, silly boy. Does he seriously think he’ll get away with it this easily?
Up next is Romero, quickly followed by Hayden, then Danny. They’re all fighters, some of the very best I’ve seen. If notthebest. They don’t pull their punches. Instead, they go full throttle. By the time they’re finished, my brothers are covered in blood, their shoulders dislocated, and their bodies full of cuts.
Dante moves in for the kill, and his smile is sinister. “You went for my wife,” he growls with a shake of the head. He folds his sleeves up and lets them have it. The first punch smashes into their noses, breaking them. The ones that come after are just as brutal. He too comes away with busted knuckles. “You will die for what you've done. You think this is bad? Just wait until Finn and Makenna let loose.” He winks at them both. “It’s going to be a beautiful thing to watch.”
Denis steps forward, his fists clenched, and his jaw tight. He doesn't say a word, just smashes his fist into Pat’s jaw. The sound of flesh hitting flesh followed by bone crunching is soothing. The fear of losing Destiny is still clinging to me. I can’t seem to shake the dread I’ve had since watching her fall into the fucking water. I close my eyes and let the sound of Denis’ fist beating Pat and Cian chase away the memories.
The sound stops, and I open my eyes, Denis is glaring at them, his chest heaving, his eyes granite, and his fists dripping with blood. I’m not sure if they’re split open or if it’s the blood of our brothers.
When he steps back, he goes to stand between his sons.
I flash Patrick and Cian a wicked grin. “My turn,” I say, my tone brimming with rage.
When I move in front of them, I notice Pat’s face grimace; it’s followed by a strong smell of piss. Fucking hell, I haven’t even touched him yet and he’s already peed himself.
“It seems,” Granda says, his Irish accent thick with humor, “that your reputation precedes you, Finn. You’ve got to wonder what sort of fucking eejit would kidnap your girl and then try to kill her.”
“Don’t worry, Pat. What I have planned for you is special,” I tell him, and watch as he visibly jerks in terror. There’s nothing better than knowing your prey is scared. It only adds to the thrill of the kill.