Page 11 of Explosive Union
He’s stayed silent throughout my entire tirade. “Finished?”
I scowl at him. “For now,” I reply snarkily.
His chuckle is low and hearty. “I always liked you the most.”
“Sure you have,” I quip. The man is freaking insane. Makenna and Denis are his favorite grandchildren. Denis, because he lives close and is his right-hand man. Not to mention, the person who’ll take over once Granda dies. And Makenna, because she’s fierce, and he and Killian trained her.
“You may not realize it, Jade, but you are the strongest of all my grandchildren. Hell, of all my children. You don’t see your worth. You are more than just Jade Hayes-Gallagher. You are so much more than Liam’s daughter and Hayden’s sister.”
“I’m a woman, Granda, and we both know my job is to marry the Italian and make babies,” I tell him angrily. I fucking hate how little women get to play a role in this world. Makenna is the only woman I know of who is actively in this world. Front and center.
“My dear, do you honestly believe that is all you’re worth?” He shakes his head. “You’re worth more than I could ever say. You are my favorite because you love unconditionally. You love everyone, including that annoying grandmother of yours. No matter what they do, or what they say, you always forgive and forget.”
“Not anymore. Forgiveness is a weakness.”
His smile is sad as he raises a frail, wrinkled hand. “My dear, those that have harmed you do not deserve forgiveness. What they deserve is a whole lot of pain. But you and I know that what some people do is not what everyone will do.”
I nod in agreement. He’s right. “They’ll get what’s coming to them,” I tell him. Vengeance is in my blood. As soon as I have the information I need, they’ll get their comeuppance. “But Granda, I don’t think I have it in me for forgiveness anymore.”
“You do,” he replies instantly. “Trust me, my dear girl, if anyone in this world does, it’s you. You’ll find your way once again. Just don’t forget to lean on others. We all need someone in our life we can trust.”
Hayden immediately comes to mind. My brother has always been that person for me.
“Tonight, we’ll celebrate your homecoming. Tomorrow, you’ll be introduced to your men.”
I frown. “My men?”
This time when he smiles, his face lights up. “You have the loyalty, Jade. You have proven that you are all about this family and will do anything to ensure we’re all safe. You did something selfless to help your brother. In return, the Clann men have loyalty to you. You are now the Underboss of Chicago.”
I stare at him in disbelief. Is he for real?
He gets to his feet. “Tomorrow morning, you’ll meet with your men. You need to decide who’ll be your right hand. That is for you to decide. Make sure it’s someone you can trust and rely on.”
I swallow hard. “What about Hayes?” I question in reference to my oldest brother, who hasn’t been made an underboss. In fact, he’s a soldier, something I know hurts him.
“Your brother knew the score years ago, my dear. He chose Annemarie against our wishes. The woman has done nothing to help his image. We all know the importance that women play in our lives. But she cannot be trusted. Therefore, the men cannot trust him due to his judgment on his wife.”
“She has changed,” I tell him, even though I don’t fully believe it.
He seems to be of the same belief as I am. His raised eyebrows, along with his twisted lips, tell me he doesn’t believe it either. “I’ll wait to see. The woman may have had a change of heart, but time will tell.”
“This’ll kill him—Hayes, I mean.” Finding out his little sister has been made an underboss has got to deepen the already fragile wound.
“He already knows. We didn’t want to blindside him. Since you have been in prison, he has gained a lot of trust.”
“So, you think he would be the person to ask?” But I already know he’s the only one I would want at my side. Who I’d trust to be there.
He gets to his feet. “That, Jade, is up to you. But speak with your brother. You never know, the two of you could be the perfect team.”
I’m stunned into silence as I follow him out of the office, still trying to get my head around the fact I’m going to be an underboss.
The sound of unfamiliar voices makes me tense. Crap. I forgot the Gallos were coming. Damn.
“Let’s go meet your fiancé, shall we?” Granda says with a smile.
“I’d rather not,” I reply angrily. “But I have no other choice.”
“You always were stubborn as fuck. Now, behave.”