Page 22 of Explosive Union
My father’s silence stretches between them. His gaze us unwavering as he stares at her, but Jade doesn’t even flinch. She holds his stare with one of her own.
Why the hell do I feel as though I’m missing something? It’s like they’re talking in code.
“As always, Jade, it’s a pleasure.” He steps forward and presses his lips against her cheek.
“It really is, Aldo,” she says softly.
“Next week, you’ll come for dinner. Natalia would love to see you again. I can’t tell you how excited she is to have you as part of our family.”
Jade’s eyes light up at the mention of my mom’s name. “Aldo, you should have led with that. I may not kill your son after all. Let me know the date and I’ll be there.”
My father gives her a sharp nod before he turns and walks away, leaving Elio and I staring at her in awe and confusion.
“Okay, just how well do you know my father?” I question.
She shrugs carelessly. “Ever wondered why the two families have never been at war? Our das are best friends. They have been since Mam and Da moved over and settled here in Chicago.”
Elio shakes his head. “No way. We’d have known.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” she replies. “The way the Famiglia and the Clann operate is completely different. Our family is open and honest. We know everything there is, barring a very few things. Your family is built on lies. How would the Italian made men react knowing that the Capo was having meals with the head of the Irish Mafia?”
I realize that what she’s saying is true. Our family is built on lies. Everyone has them. It’s just a case of making sure yours don’t surface, and if they do, that you’re prepared for the outcome.
“So, has this marriage always been in the works?” Elio asks as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed. He’s pissed, and I understand his frustration.
“No,” she replies instantly. “My family is pretty pissed about it, to be honest. They were blindsided by it. I found out this evening that your father pushed for it. He went above my da’s head and straight to my granda.”
“Why?” The word is out of my mouth before I can stop it.
But I have to know. Why the hell would he push for this union?
“I have no idea, and right now, there’s nothing we can do about it. We’re now stuck with each other. ’Til death do us part.” Even though her words are filled with anger, I can see fear in her eyes. But just as quickly as it appeared, it’s gone.
“Yeah, babe, you’re stuck with me,” I tell her with a grin, and watch as Elio puts his fist to his mouth and coughs, trying to hide his laugh.
“We’ll see,” she tells me. “It says til death do us part,” she reminds me.
“Easy there, convict,” Elio says. “Try not to kill him.”
She shrugs carelessly. “I have no problem becoming a black widow.”
I’m not going to lie, I fucking love when she gives me attitude.
“Jade, get over here,” someone shouts.
“I warned you earlier,” I growl in her ear as I step closer to her. She inhales sharply, taking a deep breath, as goosebumps break out on her neck. “Carry on, babe, I’ll bend you over and fuck you so hard you’ll be calling out for more.”
Her blue eyes turn icy. “You’ll be the one begging for more.” She turns to Elio. “I’ll see you around,” she tells him as she walks away.
“Count on it,principessa,” he murmurs.
“Keep your eyes off,” I warn him once she’s out of earshot.
He raises his hand in surrender. “She’s going to kill you while you sleep, you know that, right?”
“Shut it.”
His shoulders shake as he laughs. “Oh, the convict has got you tied up in knots.”