Page 36 of Explosive Union
“What he means,” Elio snarls, “is where the fuck is our product, and why is there none here? Not to mention, why does the place look as though it’s housed a fucking frat party?”
His gaze bounces between Elio and I, his entire body shaking. “I—” he stammers. “I just—”
“Three seconds, Dawkins,” I warn him as I pull my gun out.
He swallows hard. “The Irish,” he shouts. “They’ve dropped their prices. They’ve undercut us by a lot. No one wants our product anymore.”
Why the hell am I not surprised that the Gallaghers have done this? “So fucking undercut them. We make enough profit off them that we can afford to do so,” I snap, annoyed that the fucker doesn’t have a working brain cell left.
“But that would cause a war,” he tremors.
I stare at the ass. “Do you know who the fuck we are?”
He gives me a sharp nod. “The Gallos,” he replies.
“Then I’d like for you to explain why the hell you think we give a shit about a war?”
“I don’t—”
“Yeah, you didn’t think. Right now, we’re out a fuck of a lot of money. So, tell me, Dawkins, who’s going to pay us the money we’ve lost due to your incompetence?”
“I’ll get you the money. We can sell the drugs. Within a week, we can have them sold,” he assures me. He’s no longer trying to find the exit. No, he’s so scared that he’s trying to find a way out of this.
I step forward. “That, Cashel, isn’t going to work for me.”
The stench of urine intensifies, and I see a wet patch on the ass’s pants spread. He’s fucking pissed himself.
Elio chuckles. He’s staring at Dawkins with a look of pity.
No, I don’t pity a man who has made us lose over a million dollars in the past month.
The door opens, and in walks Dario. He’s quickly followed by Andrea, Gabriele, Edoardo, and Niccolò. They arrived quickly.
I turn my gaze back to the sap that’s in front of me. His entire body is shaking so hard he’s having to hold onto the wall to keep him upright.
“Where is my product?” I demand to know. It’s not here, so where the fuck is it?
He rattles off an address that’s only three blocks away, and I turn to Elio. “Take Andrea and Edoardo with you. Bring some of the men. The others are to stay here. We’re about to clean up.”
Niccolò smirks. He grew up and went through the ranks while my father did. He’s been a part of our lives since we were kids. He watched us grow up. The man knows what we’re capable of.
Elio and the men leave after I give him instructions to call when he has the product. I don’t trust Dawkins, and I sure as fuck don’t understand why he’s moved the product.
“Gabriele, go and see if Diego, Angelo and Davide are finished in there, and if they are, find me Ernesto.”
Gabriele nods, his lips twitching. Yeah, they know what’s about to happen. Niccolò and Dario stay with me, both men keeping their gaze firmly on me.
“The girl in your office,” I say to Dawkins. “She dressed?”
He nods. “Y—Yes.”
“Get her,” I instruct, knowing there’s no way out for him back there.
He scurries toward the office.
“Everything okay, Boss?” Niccolò asks, his gaze firmly on me, his brow furrowed.