Page 39 of Explosive Union
Dead, all of them.
“Please don’t send me back,” Veronika cries as she rushes to where the fallen men are currently slumped on the floor. “I won’t go back. You can’t make me,” she screams as she launches herself at Dawkins’ lifeless body.
There’s a gleam of silver as she moves off him.
“Veronika,” Niccolò shouts, but it’s too late, the pain in her eyes is vivid in the midst of the turmoil that swirls in the green orbs. She plunges the blade into her chest.
Sheer relief fills her young face, making her look childlike. “Thank you,” she whispers as she drops to the floor, the life leaving her eyes.
“You,” Niccolò hisses at Gabriele. “You knew what had been happening here and you did nothing?”
Gabriele’s smirk is triumphant. The man must believe now that these men are dead, there’s no one to tattle on him. Well, he’s wrong. I don’t need anyone to regale me tales. I’ve seen more than enough here to determine what has happened.
I move past Niccolò and Elio, my strides confident as I step toward the man that has been the biggest disgrace to the Famiglia. Once I reach him, I tear his gun from his hands. His eyes are on me, carefully assessing what I’m going to do next. The man has been a part of this life for almost three decades, and he has no idea that today is his last.
I kick my leg out and it collides with his knee, bringing him to his knees.
“Boss?” he questions.
“Silence,” I hiss at him. “I am no longer your boss. You are no longer part ofLa Famiglia.”
His sharp intake of breath is enough for me to know that he finally understands what is about to go down.
“Your problem, Gabriele, is that you forgotLa Famiglia prima di tutto.Had you not, today would have gone down a lot smoother. Instead, you’ll die with dishonor. You’ll die a traitor. Every man will know that you are not part of La Famiglia. Your family is ostracized.”
I once again raise my gun.“Tuo figlio pagherà per i tuoi peccati. Che tu possa bruciare per l'eternità all'inferno” (Your son will pay for your sins. May you burn for eternity in Hell).I fire the shot, and my aim is once again true. The fool is dead, as is everyone else involved in this mess. “Torch this place. I want not a trace of anyone.”
Edoardo nods. “On it, boss,” he assures me.
I glance one last time at Veronika’s body before I exit the building. Too many people died today. But none will affect the men in that building like hers.
She was a needless death. Because of men—our men—she ended her life. It’s time to ensure that the Famiglia is back on track. This shit went undetected for too long.
My father has some questions to answer.
“Boss,” Leon says as soon as I answer my cell. “Busy?” he asks. I can hear the teasing in his voice.
“What’s up?”
“Fancy playing a game of poker?” he questions mischievously.
I frown. Why on earth would I want to do that?
“I heard there’s a game down at the marina, a lot of sharks down there.”
I smile when I realize what he means. “Sure, why the hell not.”
“Alright, boss, I’ll see you in fifteen.”
I end the call and breathe a sigh of relief. It’s been five days since I killed Rice. My vengeance has been put on the back burner while I and my men get used to me being the boss.
Not one of the men have moved to be with my da or Hayden. Instead, they’ve pledged their loyalty to me. I had expected to lose a few, especially the older generation. But they’ve stayed, and together, we’re making a name for ourselves.
Since being appointed as Underboss, I’ve undercut the competition with our drug prices. We’re growing, and with that, we need to make sure we stay that way. So, selling our product less than our rivals is perfect business sense. We’ve made more in a week than we would have in a month. Not to mention our suppliers are now in more demand. It’s a win-win for everyone. Da’s happy that he’s getting more money and Hayden has now taken a leaf out of my book and done the same in Indiana.