Page 65 of Explosive Union
She nods quickly as she raises her hands. “I now know what I want, and that’s this family. Even if you all still hate me.”
I roll my eyes. “We don’t hate you,” I tell her honestly. “We don’t trust you, there’s a difference.” I sigh. “No drama, no bitchiness, and no whining. If you can manage that, you’ll be fine.”
She beams at me. “Okay, good.” She reaches into her purse and passes me a note. “I’ve got to get home to the kids. However, Finn and Makenna are waiting for you.” She drops a twenty onto the table and gets to her feet. “Have a good night.”
I watch as she leaves the diner, a small smile playing on her lips as she steps outside and into Hayes’ waiting arms. My brother looks through the window at me, and I can see how grateful he is that I came here with her. I give him a small nod. He should know that I would do anything for him, even giving her another chance.
I glance down at the note Annemarie passed me and see an address on it. I instantly know who it belongs to. Maybe she’s got all the makings to be a Gallagher after all. She didn’t even bat an eye giving this to me.
“So, are we ready to do this?” Finn asks as he throws his arm over my shoulders as I exit the diner. “I’m pissed I wasn't there for the other two.”
Makenna nods in agreement. “I agree, and I’m so proud of you. You’re the first Gallagher to become a serial killer.” The pride in her eyes makes me laugh. This is why I love this family. We’re all as crazy as the other.
We walk to the car that’s idling at the curb. Caolán’s driving it, and he’s fast making his way up to one of the men I trust the most.
“I need some ideas. A way to prolong a death. I want to do this tonight but have him die sometime tomorrow.” Once we’re in the vehicle, Caolán pulls out into traffic.
Finn nods, seemingly pleased with the idea. “I like it. It’ll put the cops off your scent, especially with tomorrow being your wedding day.”
“A lot of witnesses,” Makenna smiles. “It’s genius.”
“I can’t take the credit, Annemarie came up with the idea.” I laugh when both of their eyes widen. “She’s trying, and for Hayes’ sake, I will give her another chance.”
“We’ll see,” Finn comments. He’s not too forgiving, but then, that’s a trait we Gallaghers all share.
The journey back to my apartment is filled with suggestions from both Makenna and Finn, and there’s some that I just want to try.
“Caolán,” I call once we’re outside my apartment. “Take three men with you to this address and bring him to the deli,” I instruct him as I hand him the note that Annemarie gave me. “I want it done asap, and don’t get caught.”
He grins at me. “On it, boss.”
Tonight is going to be fun. I can’t wait to have Andrew know what it feels like to be held down.
Four hours later and I’m walking into the building that we refer to as the deli. It used to be the warehouse where the Bratva’s butcher would hold his stock. It’s run down and never used anymore. Not since the Bratva moved to the other side of town. Every window to this place is broken, whether it’s cracked or just completely gone. The building itself seems structurally sound, just old and in need of repairs.
I step through the busted open door and see ratty mattresses along with discarded clothes. One time or another, the homeless come here. Thankfully, they’re not here now.
I smile when I see the metal chair with a triangle point. Oh, the Judas Cradle, how perfect it looks. I honestly have to give Finn credit. The man has the most awesome ideas for torture. He once shoved a rat up a traitor's anus and then waited until the rat ate the man’s internal organs, killing him slowly and oh so painfully.
But what’s about to befall Andrews is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to get started. The men already have the deli set up and ready to go. The Judas Cradle’s point is shiny from the oil that’s been poured on it. It’ll make it easier for it to penetrate Andrew. The entire seat is rusted to hell and back.
“Bring me our guest,” I tell my men.
Makenna and Finn are standing behind me, both of them here for the show. They’ll not be disappointed.
James and Mark lift Andrews from his position on the ground, a blindfold around his eyes, his feet dragging against the floor as the men drag him toward me. He’s completely naked. The city will realize what happens when you fuck with a Gallagher.
I don’t care if I’m labelled as a serial killer. Hell, these bastards are serial rapists and they’re in a position where they have power over women when they’re at their most vulnerable. I’m doing womankind a favor by taking them out. In their deaths, they get a glimpse of what it’s like to be violated.
“Hoist him up,” I yell loud enough for Andrews as well as my men to hear me. There’s a pulley system in place. Something Finn and Caolán have worked out in very precise detail.
Andrews raises his head at the sound of my voice, his lips parted, and it’s a shame he’s wearing a blindfold. I’d have really liked to see the fear in his eyes when he realized he’s here because of me.
“Andrews,” I sigh once the men have him bound and hoisted up onto the pulley system. He’s bound wrists to ankles, giving me the perfect angle for what needs to be done.
“You should have heeded me when I told you, you were a dead man.”
“No,” he gasps when Finn pulls his blindfold off, uncovering his eyes.