Page 67 of Explosive Union
“Mom, not now.” I’m beyond angry.
This morning, while I was having breakfast with Elio, our father and mother decided to drop the bomb about why my father’s not been honest. I wasn’t expecting the words that came out of their mouths.
My father has mere months to live. He’s not doing treatment and has been making moves ready for me to take over. I’m pissed. Beyond fucking furious that I wasn’t told before now. I know I have to accept it, but damn, some warning would have been nice, and not to have found out on my wedding day would have been even fucking better.
“Leaveil ragazzoalone, Natalia,” Nonna says as she shuffles into the room.
I sigh. I should have gotten dressed at my apartment, not here at the house. If so, maybe none of this shit would be happening right now.
“Nonna?” I ask when my mother leaves the room.
“Your wife isn’t everything you think,ragazzo. She has been deeply affected by things in her life.Cara ragazzahas been through hell and back—"
“Nonna, how do you know what Jade’s been through?” I question, knowing damn well she would not have told her, and my family have no idea what’s happened to her.
Her weathered hand reaches out and touches my cheek. “I saw the pain in those eyes of hers, saw the turmoil she faces.Ragazzo, you know, don’t you?”
I nod. I’ll never say what happened. It’s not my place.
Nonna smiles softly causing the lines in her face to deepen. “Protect her,Ragazzo. Protect her with everything that you are.”
“Sempre, la proteggerò sempre,”(Always, I will always protect her),I respond, and she lights up, her eyes bright and filled with pride. “Mia moglie(My wife)is not who you think, Nonna,” I explain.
She waves her hand to shush me. “This day and age, the times move and people become more accepting of different cultures. The Irish have their way, and,Ragazzo, you are now in that life. Embrace theBella donna. After all, she will bela tua Regina.”
My queen. “Si, Nonna, mia regina,”(Yes, Nonna, my queen).
She shuffles toward the door and glances back at me when her hand touches the handle. “Sono fiero di te, Rocco,”(I’m proud of you, Rocco).
My chest tightens at her words. “Grazie, Nonna,” I reply hoarsely.
“Ready to run?” Dario chuckles as he enters the kitchen.
I glance up from my cell as he reaches into the cupboard and pulls down a bottle of whiskey.
“What are you doing?” I demand, wondering what the hell he’s playing at.
“What does it look like?” he retorts. “I’m taking the edge off. We're going to have to spend the day making nice with the Irish. I’m going to need some alcohol to do that.”
I can’t really blame him. I’d be the same if the tables were reversed. Hell, I’d rather not have to do this whole charade. I have a feeling Jade would be the same. We should have told everyone to fuck off and done it without the spectators, but this is tradition, and Nonna would have a fit if it weren’t done correctly.
“Don’t get drunk,” I tell him. “Not yet at least.”
He salutes me as he grabs a glass from the cupboard. “Don’t worry, Roc, you won’t hear a peep from me today.”
“Christ, Dario, why do you always have to be so fucking childish?” Elio glares at him as he joins us. “One day without your bullshit.”
Our youngest brother merely smiles. “Lighten up, it’s a joyous occasion. Be merry and get drunk.”
I turn to Elio. “Leave him be,” I instruct. Dario is extremely childish some days, but he’s a good soldier and the sooner he grows the fuck up the sooner the men will start to see him as more than the boy who was promoted because he is our father’s son.
“The cars are outside. You ready?” he asks.
Putting my cell into my pocket, I nod. “Let’s go,” I say and grab the glass from Dario’s hand, bringing to my lips and downing it in one swallow.
Elio’s chuckle follows me out of the house. Our father, mother, nonna, and sisters are waiting for us. Both of my sisters are in similar pale pink dresses, something our mother thinks to be cute.