Page 87 of Explosive Union
He shakes his head. “When the hell did your loyalty change?”
When I fell in love. I don’t tell him that. “My loyalty is with the Famiglia,” I hiss. “La Famiglia prima di tutto. But she is my wife, and I’ll protect her until my dying breath.”
His eyes flash with anger. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. My wife is my priority, and I’ll kill anyone who tries to harm her, family or not.
“Careful brother, you don’t want anyone to think that you’re putting the Clann ahead of the Famiglia.”
I step closer to him. He, of all people, should know better than that. “Want to tell me what the fuck your problem is?” I snarl. “Better spit it out, Elio,” I demand as I get in his face.
“I would have helped,” he implores.
Christ, this is what it’s about. The fact that he was left in the dark. “Had it been something I was involved in, I would have called you. I wasn’t, therefore you didn’t need to know. You are not privileged to know the goings on inside the Clann, Elio, just as I’m not.”
His lips thin, but he nods.
“Things are better off being separate right now, at least until we get things in place,” I explain.
He sighs. “I know. I guess, hearing what she’d been through, I didn’t want her to be alone when she was going after them.”
Dario chuckles as he lands a hand on Elio’s shoulder. “Brother,” he smirks. “That woman would take them down without a second thought. She doesn’t need you to think she’s weak. She’s not.”
“He’s right, she’s not, and the sooner you realize that, the better we’ll all be.” If Jade finds out what he’s thinking, she’ll kill him.
He runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck,” he grunts. Finally realizing that she doesn’t need him.
“It’s done, and right now, we’re focusing on me taking over.” Something Jade’s overjoyed about. She believes I can lead the Famiglia into a new era and expand as the Clann has done better than anyone before them.
I have spoken to my father at length about this, wanting his take on how the men would react if I were to tell them that we’re expanding, and he agrees that with Elio and Dario at my side, we would grow.
The plans are in place for us to move into Indiana. As Adelina is now married to Hayden, it makes sense to expand there first. In fact, my first bit of business as boss will be having Elio move out there and become an underboss for the Famiglia. I’ll be promoting Andrea as my consigliere and Niccolò will be promoted to Underboss. Should we expand further, then Edoardo and Dario will then be promoted.
Three more cars drive toward us, and I know they belong to Andrea, Niccolò, and Edoardo. It’s time to get this done. Once the men join us, my father steps out of his vehicle. The men must have known that something was up. The man hasn’t made an appearance since my wedding. Instead, I’m the one that’s in his place. Not to mention he’s frail looking, his appearance gaunt, and his skin pale. There’s no doubt that he’s sick, but they don’t know just how bad it is. He’s not got long left.
“Boss,” the men say with a bow of their heads.
“Gentlemen,” my father greets them. “I will not keep you too long. What I have to tell you does not leave the seven of us.”
His captains stand taller, each of them somber. “Of course,” they reply in unison. As his sons, we already know what he’s about to say, but for a capo, this isn’t the way you want to go out. Not at fucking all.
“I’m dying,” he says without any emotion. “I’m stepping down as Capo and Rocco is taking over. Effective immediately.”
They nod, not one of them surprised by his words. “Rocco has plans, and I’ll let him tell you about them. I have somewhere to be.” He turns on his foot and walks back to the car.
“Congratulations, boss,” Niccolò says with a genuine smile as he reaches out to shake my hand.
The other men follow suit, each of them congratulating me on becoming the boss.
“Thank you. Now, before the soldiers know, I would like to catch you up on the plans I have.” Everyone stands up taller at my words. Did they not think I would have plans in place? “For two months I have worked tirelessly to ensure that the Famiglia grows when I take the reins, not fall.”
The smile on my brothers’ faces are full of pride.
“Elio, you will become the Underboss of Indiana. With Adelina now married to Hayden, it makes sense to capitalize on their union.”
My brother's eyes widen with shock. He shakes his head. “Thank you.”
“Dario, I will be expanding further in the next few years. You prove yourself as a captain, and you will be promoted,” I inform him, and he nods in response, his lips curling at the ends.
“Andrea.” I turn to the man in question, and his gaze is steely. “You are the most levelheaded of my captains. You also are loyal to the Famiglia. I would like to appoint you as my consigliere.”