Page 14 of Cherished Union
The sound of a gun cocking has our father stepping back. Elio’s footsteps sound, and I brace, unsure what’s going to happen next. My body is sinking fast. The blood that’s pouring from me is like a river, gushing over the tiled floor, something I know Mama will be pissed about.
“Elio,” Mama cries. “Put the gun away.”
“No,” he hisses as he crouches down in front of me, his hands gentle as he touches my face. “I’ve got you, Ade,” he whispers. My is vision blurry, and I’m seeing two of him, but for some reason, I feel safe knowing he’s here.
“How fucking long?” he growls. “How fucking long have you been beating her?”
Our father’s silent, realizing he’s fucked up, whereas our mother has no caution lights.
“Your father’s stressed, Elio. He’s been under a lot of pain and stress. He doesn’t realize what he’s doing.”
Elio scoffs. “Bullshit. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and fuck you, mother,” he snarls at her. “You should have protected your daughter. You disgust me. Ade’s coming to stay with me.”
“Can I come too?” The tiny, scared voice comes from Viviana, and my heart clenches, silently pleading that he brings her with us. I can’t bear the thought of her being alone with our parents.
“Yes. Pack a bag for you and then one for Ade. I’ll wait here for you. Be quick, Vivi.”
“You’re not taking my daughter,” Mama screams.
“You’ve got a choice,” Elio says, his voice vibrating with anger. “You can let me leave with both girls, or I’m calling both Rocco and Dario. I’m sure Jade will come along with her husband, and then word will get back to Hayden about how you both have been treating his wife to be. I, for one, am all in for that.”
“You wouldn’t,” she hisses, and I realize that our father has been very quiet.
“Try me, woman. I want to put a fucking bullet in your brain. I don’t give a fuck what will happen to you. Hayden will hurt you worse than I could, and I’m seriously daring you to fucking continue.”
“I’m her mother,” she cries. “What was I supposed to do? Your father is going through so much. He needs me, and I have to stand beside him. He is my husband.”
“You should have protected your daughter. Unlike you, I have no obligation to a man who hurts my family.”
“You’re going to tell them, aren’t you?” she whispers, horrified. “You’re going to tell Rocco and Dario about what’s happened.”
She’s only out for herself. She doesn’t give a fuck about me or any of her children. Our father’s dying and she wants to stay in Rocco’s good graces so she’ll be able to continue living her life of luxury, because once our father dies, Rocco will be the one who’ll have access to the money, not her.
I’m so fucking naïve. I should have realized that she didn’t want me to say anything because she was afraid of losing everything.
I should have known. I should have guessed.
Footsteps sound once again, and I know Vivi’s back.
“I have our bags,” she whispers. “Is Addie okay?”
My little sister is the only person on this earth who calls me Addie, and I love that she does.
“We’re going to have the doctor meet us at my apartment,” Elio grunts. “Vivi, get the doors. We’re leaving. I’m going to have to pick Ade up. She’s badly hurt, and I don’t think she’ll be able to stand.”
The moment he lifts me into his arms, I cry out. Pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before hits me, my vision blurs, the room around me spins, and darkness pulls at me. I try to fight it, but it’s no use. I’m in too much pain. I succumb to it, letting the abyss pull me under. The pain slides away as I sink into nothingness.
Walking into that fucking house and watching as my father beat the shit out of my sister was something I had never expected, nor will it be something I ever forget.
“How did you know?” Vivi questions softly as she sits in the back of my car with Ade’s head on her lap, her fingers combing through her hair. Even though there’s a twelve-year age gap and the two of them drive each other crazy, they’re closer than sisters. It’s how Rocco and I are.
“Dario said something that didn’t sit right,” I comment, trying my hardest not to let my anger out. Vivi doesn’t need it. I can’t imagine what she’s witnessed.
“Thank you,” she whispers, and my gut tightens. Christ, how fucking zoned out have we been that we didn’t even notice that our sisters were struggling? “I thought he was going to kill her.”