Page 69 of Cherished Union
“That’s true. You’re the one I want. You killed my sons,” the old man says. He’s aged fucking horrendously over the past five years. I guess losing everyone you love can do that to a man. “But your wife here, she’s very beautiful. What would you do if I put a bullet in her?”
It takes everything in me not to rush at him. Instead, I square my shoulders and glare at the cunt that dares hurt my wife. “You do realize that no matter what you do, you’re not leaving here alive, right?”
“That’s true, but I’ll take this whore out, then anyone else who tries to get to me.” He waves his gun around as he speaks.
Addie rears her head back, headbutting the fucking bastard in his jaw, causing him to release her neck. She doesn’t hesitate in running toward me, just as my da and Hayes enter the room, coming up behind Garrant.
I pull Addie into my arms, fucking relieved that she’s okay. But Masters isn’t finished. He recovers and points his gun at me. I pull Addie behind me. I’ll not let her be hurt.
“No,” she cries when Garrant fires. Her small hands on my back, she pushes me with every bit of strength she has. I fall to the side before righting myself.
“Ah,” I hear her cry, and my heart fucking stops as she crumples to the floor, her head smashing against the glass table.
“Get him,” I shout as I drop to my knees at Addie’s side.
“She’s alive,” Rocco tells me as he goes to her other side, his hands running over her head. “She’s got a graze on her arm. It’s not bad; it will probably need stitches, but it’s not deep. Her head is another matter.” He grunts as he feels the back of her head, his fingers drenched in her blood.
“We’re going to the hospital,” I tell him. It’s not up for discussion. The doctor is not coming here. My wife needs proper care.
“Go,” Da says, his gaze on Addie as Hayes drags an unconscious Garrant out of the house. “We’ll get him squared away and meet you at the hospital.”
I scoop my wife up in my arms, Jade running ahead to open the doors for me. I grit my teeth as I feel Addie’s blood seeping down my arms. I hold her close, praying to a god—any and all—that she’s okay.
“She’s okay,” Annemarie says. “She’s alive, and the bump to her head will heal. You need to stop blaming yourself, Hayden.”
I turn to stare at her. Since the night of Matty’s party, she’s become more involved in our lives. She’s finally found a place in our family besides being Hayes’ wife. She’s my wife’s best friend.
“This should never have happened,” I say through clenched teeth.
The doctors have looked over Addie and Annemarie is right, she’s going to be fine. She’ll probably have a headache for a couple of days, but otherwise, she and our baby are fine. Thankfully. Although it could have been very different.
“No,” Annemarie says as she takes a seat. “It shouldn’t have, and Hayden, he’s not going to be around for much longer to try and hurt her again.”
I scrub my hands over my face. “Why the fuck did she push me out of the way?” I should fucking spank her ass, make it pink, so that she’s unable to sit for a week.
“Because she loves you,” she tells me simply. “We’ll do whatever we can to protect those that we love, and Hayden, that girl loves you fiercely.”
“I know.” My voice is hoarse.
“She’s lost so many people in her life. You’re the one she relies on, Hayden. You gave both her and Vivi a happy home, a place they love. She’d be devastated if anything happened to you.”
“She tell you that?”
She nods. “She did. She told me all about her life with Aldo and Natalia; how she learned about the abuse of Dario at the hands of their father and the guilt that she felt for not knowing. But then you got married, and she felt as though she could finally be herself, that she could be free. You gave her that, Hay. You made her believe that she could live without fear.”
“She shouldn’t have pushed me out of the way. She’s fucking pregnant.”
Annamarie gives me a sad smile. “She is, but you have to realize that just because we get pregnant, it doesn’t stop us from loving our husbands. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Just as you would for us.” She glances at my wife, who’s fast asleep. “Give her a break, yeah? She’s going to be sore, and she’s going to be upset when she discovers that her mom’s gone. She doesn’t need you to be angry.”
“I’m not angry,” I say, but she raises her brow at me, calling me out on my bullshit. “I’m not anymore. I’m just relieved that she’s okay.”
“Are you going to tell her about Natalia?”
I was right. Elio arrived at the hospital, bringing news that his mother had taken a large quantity of sleeping pills. He, like me, believed that she’d be vulnerable and that she’d be feeling Aldo’s death deeply. She’s a woman who thrives on social standings. With Aldo losing the title of Boss to his son, they had already gone down in the pecking order, with the powerful wives wanting to rub shoulders with Jade rather than Natalia. Then word got out that Aldo committed suicide. It must have been too much for her to bear.