Page 8 of Cherished Union
I stare at him, confused by the question.
He sighs. “Christ, I forgot how fucking old-fashioned the Italians are. Would you want to go back to school? Do something that means you’re not stuck at home all day?”
“I have a degree,” I tell him, something that no one but Nonna and Vivi know. His brows shoot up in shock. “I have a degree in business.”
His lips twist into a smile. “Then, Adelina, I may have a job for you.”
My heart skips a beat at his words. I won’t have to be a doting housewife?
“Ade,” I tell him, feeling stronger than I have in a while. “Only Papa, Mama, and those who don’t know me call me Adelina.”
He nods, those whiskey-colored eyes of his dilating slightly. He walks up to me, and I keep my head held high.
“Good girl, Ade,” he growls low, his hand curling around my jaw. His thumb caresses my cheek. “Never show fear, dove,” he whispers. “And you are beautiful without even trying. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.” With a brush of his lips against mine, he releases me and walks away, not once looking back.
I stand here, my chest heaving, wondering what the hell just happened. One minute, we’re talking about plans, and the next, his lips briefly touch mine and he’s making me want things I have no right wanting. Hayden is a dangerous man, one I could become attached to easily. One who could also break my heart without a second thought.
“What the hell are you playing at?” Papa snarls as he pushes through the door of his office, his eyes wild and his lips pulled back into a snarl.
My brows knit together. “What?”
He stops in front of me. The anger in his eyes is unlike anything I have ever seen. “How dare you make a fool of this family,” he grunts, raising his hand in the air and backhanding me so viciously that I cry out and land on the floor with a jarring thud.
Tears spring to my eyes as I stare at my father in horror. Never has he ever hurt me before.
“You stupid girl,” he snarls as his hands grab a hold of my arms. He pulls me up so that I’m standing in front of him. “You could have cost us this fucking union,” he shouts as he begins to shake me, his fingers digging into my skin. “Why the fuck didn’t you wear something appropriate?”
My tears fall hard and fast as I stare at the monster that used to be my father.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, unsure of what I should say at this point. I don’t want to set him off.
“Sorry?” he hisses, spittle flying from his lips. “You’ll be fucking sorry,” he grunts as he releases my arms and takes a step backward.
Relief washes through me, but it’s short-lived when he once again raises his hand. This time, I try to brace, but it’s no use. The strength he has is too much for me. His hand connects with my cheek, and the sheer brutal power he uses has me once more falling to the floor.
“Get out,” he shouts at me, and I scramble to my feet. “I do not want to see you right now. Out,” he roars.
I rush out of the office, tears falling from my eyes.
“Adelina?” Mama calls out as I rush toward the stairs. I turn to her. She’s alone, which I’m grateful for. “What on earth happened?”
“You did,” I snap. “You didn’t tell me what was happening today and Papa’s pissed. Blaming me. I hope you’re happy,” I sneer at her.
“He’s sick, Adelina, and he’s extremely stressed,” she tells me. “He didn’t mean to do it.”
God, this is beyond messed up. “Sure, whatever you say. I just hope you don’t feel the back of his hand.”
I don’t hang around for her response. I’m so angry. How dare she brush it off as though it doesn’t matter and that I should forgive him just because he’s stressed and sick.
I just pray that Hayden isn’t like this.
“You’ve got to stop this,” Hayes snaps as he runs his fingers through his hair. “You’re going to end up doing time, Hay.”
I roll my eyes. Out of the three siblings, Hayes is the most serious of us. He’s always wanting to keep his nose as clean as possible, whereas Jade and I like to create as much havoc as humanly possible.