Page 10 of Forbidden Virgin
Chapter 4
“Doyou have any exciting plans this weekend?” Aaron asked Kate.
Kate stopped typing on the keyboard and glanced at her coworker. For the past week, the front desk agent had showered her with attention. Not a day over twenty, Aaron was taller than her and had curly brown hair. They hung out once after work and shared dinner, but when he’d tried to kiss her, she withdrew. She’d hoped that had been all she needed to friend zone him. But he kept on texting her, sending her funny memes and making small talk whenever she walked by the front desk, even on her time off—the downside of living where you worked. “I’ll be meeting an old friend,” she said, laughing at the irony. There wasn’t anything old about Graham, but she meant someone she knew before her trip.
“Cool. You have the weekend off. Lucky,” he said, his words living proof he’d been checking her schedule.
“Thanks.” She clutched her tote against her, and waved, heading out of the hotel. She hadn’t seen Graham in six long days, and couldn’t wait to see his face. They’d talked while he was away, and she loved falling asleep to his sexy voice. She even texted him a couple of nudes once to keep him on his toes. That same day he’d called her and talked about how he left a meeting to go jerk himself off to the pictures, which in turn got her all hot and she touched herself while talking to him on the phone.
He’d told her to wear a bikini, and she’d bought a sexy one. The type her family would certainly frown upon, but who cared? He’d also instructed her to meet him in the parking lot so people wouldn’t see him pick her up at the main entrance. She’d agreed.
She spotted his Land Rover and sprinted to it as he slid out of the car to open the door for her. Wow. The man looked even hotter, if that was possible.
“Graham. I missed you,” she said, jumping into his arms.
They were far enough so no bellhops or any other employees could see him, especially with the amount of cars parked and guests swarming the drop-off area. Perhaps he thought the same thing, for he cupped her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers.
He kissed her with a passion so powerful it buckled her knees. She leaned into him, her head bobbing in a sweet daze and he held her against him. His powerful erection pulsated against her and the friction teased her without mercy. How she wanted this man. He embodied everything she imagined and more. “Soak it in, because there’s no more touching until tonight,” he said, and kissed her nose.
“What do you mean?” Did he change his mind as far as having sex with her? She lifted her chin. If he were about to play any games, she’d argue until she had her way. No matter what he said, she’d felt the way his heart raced when she touched him. Nothing he’d say would convince her he didn’t want her as much as she did him.
“We’re having a different day. I’m taking you surfing. Hands off each other.”
Surfing. Since when had she signed up for outdoor, non-sexual exercising? “Fine. But you are no fun.”
He winked at her, and her heart skipped a beat. “My goal today is to prove you otherwise.”
* * *
Graham parkedthe car at Little Beach. He usually preferred surfing at nearby Big Beach, but it’d be easier to go somewhere the waves would be more forgiving for her first lesson. He’d counted every minute during his absence, and missed her more than he could believe.
Keeping his hands off her would be hard. He’d jerked off every day during his trip, especially after she sent him sinful pictures of her perfect tits and ass. He knew if he wanted to screw her he could do it now, at the beach, in the car, anywhere. And he would—but not yet.
Kate was young but a lot more honest about what she wanted than him—one of the things maturity usually stole from people: the boldness, the light way of doing things without overthinking consequences. But screwing with her impossibly hot body would bring undeniable effects. He’d be her first, and he’d be breaking a rule so basic between men no one even talked about: don’t sleep with your buddy’s daughter.
His mind agreed, but his body simmered in a stage of incredible arousal. Every time he thought of her, looked at her or even pronounced her name, a latent desire snaked around him and everything else evaporated.
So he’d do it. He didn’t just want to make tonight special for her—he wanted to become special for her. Not just the Graham Davenport she had fantasized about, but maybe she’d enjoy who he really was. Sure, the process would take time, but a good first step would be to show her the things he enjoyed. Surfing ranked high on the list.
“This beach is gorgeous,” she said, when he opened the door for her.
“I love surfing. Helps me clear my mind of things. When I grew up in L.A., I wanted to be a professional surfer but I wasn’t good enough,” he said. Or had the money to afford a decent board. Back then, he’d been too worried about finding a place to sleep and moving away from his cocaine addict parents to worry about anything else.
She put her hand above her forehead to see the waves. “I’m glad you didn’t give up.”
He shook his head. Was she even listening? “I’m not a professional surfer. How have I not given up?”
She faced him, and lifted her chin the same way she did whenever she meant business. “Well, you still do what you enjoy on your free time. You didn’t give up on your passion; just changed the capacity. You could have stopped surfing completely. So many people stop doing what they love when life smacks them on the ass.”
“You have an interesting way of looking at things, Kate,” he said. Maintaining his fat bank account didn’t equal to a smack on the ass in any way, shape, or form, but he knew what she meant. A wave of pride skated down his spine, and he caught himself smiling. Who knew? He just learned a nugget of life lesson from Kate.
“I try,” she said, removing her cover-up. The most tempting bikini he’d ever seen mocked his self-control. A hot pink flimsy fabric covered her nipples and not much else on top; strings at the side tied the bottom and he didn’t even dare to look at what her formidable ass looked like.
She chuckled, a shade of pink staining her cheeks. “Too much?”
He wanted to tear the ridiculous scrap of nylon with his teeth and give it to her good and hard, but he talked down his lust and simply said, “I have some wetsuits in the trunk.”
Groaning, he reached for the back of his car and retrieved the wetsuits he’d brought for protection. He gave her hers, and she slid it on. He focused on getting his on but it proved difficult to keep from looking at her sliding into the suit. When she asked him to zip her up, he caught a whiff of her fresh scent and soaked it in. His cock strained painfully against the material. “Are you ready?”