Page 16 of Forbidden In-Law
Chapter 7
“I love it here,”Natalie said, as they walked past a huge graffitied wall. A band played country music on the stage. The amount of bright colors from the light bulbs, rides and arcade games could make anyone dizzy. Yet he kept his focus on her, his Natalie.
Earlier that day, he’d seen the commercial for this place on TV. An impulse to use the excuse of the carnival, and take her to a town over for the weekend hadn’t allowed him to continue remodeling the house. Now, as he looked at her, beaming in her green dress, he knew he’d made the right choice.
He’d chosen to wear a pair of jeans and a plaid button-down shirt. Although this town was only thirty minutes from Suarez, in his mind, they were on their own planet. A place where no one knew him, or her. A place they could just be. Together.
She grabbed a piece of blue cotton candy from the plastic bag she’d been carrying, and brought it to her lips. What if their fling didn’t need to end? What if she came back to New York with him? Sure, he didn’t live in the city, but it was a hell of a lot better than Suarez. She could take pottery classes, he’d seen a few of the pieces she’d done when he’d moved some junk from a closet. Even if she didn’t stay with him later on, she’d have more of a future in a better place, and he could make sure she had everything she needed.
Who am I kidding?He wanted her by his side. He was a selfish, dirty old man.
“Hey,” she said, touching his chin. “I have a secret to tell you.”
“I’m all ears,” he said, angling his head.
“I’m not wearing any underwear under this dress.”
The kind of secret he enjoyed. A hard blow of lust hit his gut, and stirred his groin. He looked around, at the people in line for snow cones, the families trying to shoot fake ducks in hope of winning big teddy bears. What the hell did she expect him to do with that information? He lowered his hand to her ass, touching it quickly, to double-check the information she’d given him.
Yup. No underwear. Just the soft material of the dress and her lovely ass.
“Come with me,” he said, holding her hand in his. The contact raised his internal temperature to a hell-like level. She gave his hand a squeeze, and when he peered at her, urgency gleamed in her eyes.
Wherecould he fuck her? Too many people loitered in the parking lot. He marched through the place, hoping for an idea. The hammering of his heart muffled the sounds of laughter, the loud music, everything. There were several portable restrooms lined up, but a few people waited their turn to use them.
At the end, a few feet from the bustle from the fair, there was a box about twice as big as portable potty, and it looked different. Superhero characters had been sprayed on the outside. A big CLOSED sign hung from the door. Looked like a ticketing booth they no longer used.
Enough privacy, and far away from the crowd. No one would notice them.
He tugged at her hand, taking her to the perfect spot, and she matched his stride. He glanced both ways before pressing into the door until it gave out. Yep, he’d been right. The place was an old ticketing stand, complete with a metal counter and a broken stool. He doubted the counter wouldn’t give out if he sat her on it.
So he shut the door behind them, wanting to make the most out of the time they had. He pulled her to him, thirsty, hungry, and desperate for her. When she’d called him a big strong man the previous night… he’d almost told her that all his self-control disappeared when she came around.
He kissed her with all he had, and she matched his passion, stroking her hot tongue on his. He slid his hand down her dress, lowering it so her breasts popped out. She let out a moan, and he disengaged his mouth from her to shush her. “What if someone finds us?” she whispered.
“As long as we get off first, I’m okay with being arrested.”
She chuckled.
He pressed her against the wall, and she splayed her hand on the metal. Suppressing a groan, his hand glided down her back, bunched her dress at her waist. He meant to simply nudge her thighs apart, but the smoothness of her ass enthralled him, and he fondled her butt. When realization dawned on him, he was about to pull his hand away when she rocked her hips into him.
She tossed him a naughty glance over her shoulder. “You can touch me there if you want.”
Damn it, had he been so obvious? He didn’t want to force her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. “Your body’s like an amusement park. There’s a lot to see and do, darlin’.”
He created an invisible pattern on her butt cheeks, palming her flesh and applying enough pressure to warm her skin. Hell, to warm up his skin.
He sank his teeth into her shoulder, loving how she sighed out loud. God, he… he needed this woman. Not just for sex—he needed her near him, to see her infectious smile, and to help him open up about personal shit that he hated, as if they were the most natural things in the world.
“Goddamn it,” she said, pulling him from his thoughts. “You always drive me so crazy.”
He pulled her hair and kissed her. She arched into him, obviously needing his touch. She needs me as much as I need her. God, he hoped it was true.
He cupped her breasts, catching her nipples between two fingers, squeezing the tight buds. She moaned, louder, and he lifted his hand and covered her mouth. “Shhh… quiet so we can fuck,” he demanded.
A stronger shot of arousal rolled through him, and he tugged at her nipples, willing to give her the same kind of urgency. He lowered his hand down the indent of her waist, then he used his index to part her folds and touch her pussy, feel her wetness.
“Woman,” he said gruffly. “You’re soaking wet.”