Page 20 of Bad Intentions
“Maybe you should find out.”
He ran his fingers down her neck, sliding between her breasts, going lower past her abdomen until he cupped her sex, already warm and damp for him.
He used his thumb to flick her clit, teasing the nerve bud until she bucked her pussy into his hand, a silent plea for more. Growling, he inserted three fingers into her sex, the sensation so powerful it left him drowsy. “I was right.” His voice was so coarse he hardly recognized it.
She reached for his cock again, positioning the tip at her entrance, rubbing his thick head into her folds. His blood stopped flowing for an excruciating heartbeat, then it pounded into his veins, firing up his entire system. He threw his head back, desire dotting his vision and squeezing the air from his lungs.
Had she any idea what she did to him? If she continued this erotic massage, he’d give in quickly. As if on cue, precum spurted from his tip, and she touched it, swirling her finger around it, then took it to her mouth. The act upped his arousal about one hundred notches, and moisture evaporated from his throat. Damn it, he wanted her more than anything.
Without taking her eyes off him, she darted out her tongue and fetched the liquid, savoring it like some delicacy. A touch of pink stained her cheeks, and a flicker of mischief gleamed in her eyes in the most adorable way. A way that clawed down his throat and clenched his heart.
She brought his cock a degree closer, using the tip to spread his cum between her folds like she wanted him to brand her with his seed. Fuck, he couldn’t take much of this—besides, he’d much rather come in her than in her hand. But he had to give her space, and let her explore him, his girth, his length, until she felt comfortable enough to take him completely.
To motivate her, he touched her nipples, squeezing them, earning a couple of long-winded moans from her. Oh, yes. She scooted to the edge of the ledge, angling dangerously close until his cock throbbed inside the walls of her sex. The exhilarating sensation shot a copious dose of espresso into his bloodstream.
“Please, Cole.” She whimpered.
“Please what?” he said in a growly voice.
“Take me.”
He lowered his hand to her sex, flicking her clit to distract her as he inched more and more of himself inside her. She gasped, and he felt her intake of breath, so he stopped, even if every fiber of his being cursed him for doing so. Damn her.
When her inner muscles relaxed around him, he plunged deeper, tapping her clit, rolling his fingers over it to help her focus on pleasure. “So good,” she hissed.
Damn it, he wanted to do this for hours, no, days. He wanted to fuck her until she killed a part of him that’d been sick and twisted for so long. He wanted to fuck her until he no longer existed—unless he was with her.
A scorching heat wave raged through Nikki’s body. He expanded her sex, stretching it to adjust to him. A pang of discomfort stabbed at her—still, she couldn’t stop him. She wanted him inside her, thrusting into her with a fierce need she’d never experienced before. Screw the consequences.
He worked her clit, sending jolts of excitement rippling within her. She arched herself into him, welcoming more of his delicious cock into her. She clenched her inner muscles around him, and she felt the tremor from his body. Good. She wanted him to lose control too.
When he completely filled her, she shifted to an angle to better accommodate him. That did it—the position brought them to a sinful mold, so close, with him completing her in a way that went far beyond physical. The sound of her ragged breath blended with his. A cloak of intimacy blanketed them, making her even lighter-headed than before. Need she’d never experienced until then stirred her up inside. “Do it.”
“Do what?” He ran his index finger over her lips, and she caught it with her teeth. She nipped at it, her gaze locked on his.
“Fuck me,” she said, her own raspy voice raising goose bumps on her arms.
He produced a low, growly sound, and possessively crushed his lips on hers. He began moving inside her, slipping out his cock midway only to slam her all the way to the hilt. Her inner walls contracted on their own accord, eagerly clinging to his cock. In that space, she felt the blood rushing through her, the pulse of her clit against him, and pressure built in her core. She undulated her hips best she could, the bareness of her ass scraping the surface of the ledge. It would hurt later, but now, she turned into one hot throb and wouldn’t change it for anything.
With his plunge, air was sucked out of her lungs, and the sound leaving her lips reminded her of a primal animal she’d seen on the Discovery Channel. She’d never felt so raw, so attuned to her libido, so fucking…real.
Sweat sheened her limbs and forehead. “Cole, I’m so close,” she said, losing energy at the end, like she had to use all her strength to choke out the words.
He increased the tempo, slamming in and out of her, pushing her to the edge of the precipice one thrust at a time. She closed her eyes, unable to focus much, legs wobbly and tingly from all the action. He surprised her by touching her clit again, and it didn’t take her longer than a caress or two for the pressure that’d been building to contract her body for one hot second—then, release it.
Pleasure rocketed within her, spreading through her entire self, burning her insides. She called out his name and opened her eyes to find him studying her with a mysterious half smile. The pulse in his jaw jumped, and soon, he too let go, emptying himself inside her until they both embraced each other, spent, sticky and gloriously sated.
Consciousness returned in increments. He slipped out of her, composing himself and zipping his pants. She watched him, her breath catching up to her heartbeats, all her pulse points still shaken. As if to make sure their sexual rendezvous really happened and she wasn’t having a wet dream, she touched her mouth, her lips tender and swollen.
When she crossed her bare legs, the stickiness from his cum was another reminder. Hmmm. Yes. He stretched out his hand, helping her to slide down from the ledge, and the simple touch belted a shot of awareness up her arm.
“Where do we go from here?” she asked. Hell, she could have meant about his search for the place, but deep down she knew she couldn’t lie to him. After having shared that intense sexual connection, she couldn’t go back to pretending they hadn’t. Her stomach contracted, and she mentally braced herself for deception.
He stared at her. “I’d like to do this again, but I can’t promise to give you what you deserve in the long run.”
His elusiveness made her roll her eyes. A bit of disappointment pinched her heart. She’d be better off with the truth than some condescending spiel. “What do you know about what I deserve?” Or what I want?