Page 28 of Bad Friend
“Hey,” she said, erasing the distance between them but still keeping a safe buffer. “Thanks for helping Libby. She came to tell me about it, all excited.”
“My pleasure. She’s a good kid,” he said and meant it.
“I have to agree. She keeps me on my toes.”
“And you keep me on mine,” he said, pulling her behind a rock where no one could see them. He touched her cheek, outlining her jaw until she parted her lips. Her big eyes gleamed with desire, and a tremor traveled through him. “God, Brit, I miss you,” he said, his voice dropping an octave.
With his free hand, he clasped her waist, then slid it down her ass, bringing her closer. A small, almost inaudible moan escaped her mouth. “I want you so much.”
She touched his shorts, cupping his hard-on. “I can tell.”
“When can we be together?” he hissed out.
She kept her hand on his cock, without moving, and a throb zapped from the base of his throat down south. “I’m taking Libby clothes shopping tomorrow, then I can drop her at my mother’s for a few hours.”
A few hours would hardly be enough, but he’d take any time he could. “I’ll see if the nanny can have the kids for a bit.”
She disengaged from him, treading water, and he shuddered. “Okay.”
He touched her wrist, to keep her from swimming away from him. “Come here. Just a kiss. No one will see us,” he said, hating the trace of despair in his voice.
“Please, Brit. I need to feel you close to me.”
He glanced behind his shoulder to make sure everyone was away, and noticed they were all inside the cabin. Maybe they had a few moments before anyone called them. A few moments with her wouldn’t be enough, but he’d take whatever he could get.
He pulled her to him, behind the large rock, his mouth falling on hers violently. She kissed him back, eagerly, and he squeezed her ass.
“Damian…” she said.
“Baby, I want you so much. Let me make you feel good.”
He closed her mouth with his, and felt her soften in his embrace, her hands pulling at his rash guard. Her touch branded him, and suddenly a fever ran through him, filling him with heat and need that would explode if he didn’t do anything about it.
She slowed the pace of the kiss. He tried to steal a few more pecks but then she lifted her hand and put some distance between them. Disappointed washed over him in waves, but he forced a smile.
She splashed some water at him. “You can’t make me feel too good today.”
“I know, and it’s killing me.”
She chewed her lip. “Me too. Let’s change the subject before we head back so it won’t be so obvious.”
Good idea. Anything that would help him lose his erection had priority. “Bill said she wants to have kids with him. Can you believe it?”
The expression on her face sobered. “What’s so wrong about it?”
“Well, he’s got grown kids. Why would he want to do that now?”
Brit lifted her chin. “Because it means a lot to her.”
“But they have a shaky marriage. She flirts with other men. Why add kids to this equation?”
“I think she flirts for validation. It’s her way to make him pay for not giving her a family. I’m not saying she’s right or their relationship is the healthiest, but—”
“All I think is it’s wrong to get pregnant when the relationship isn’t solid or the conditions less than ideal,” he said. Why bring more stress when two people already didn’t get along?
Her throat worked, and she narrowed her eyes at him. “You mean like me, who got pregnant out of wedlock?”