Page 23 of Bad Teacher
“When can I see you?” he asked in that sexy, sultry voice that carried a tantalizing promise.
“Funny thing you ask. Tomorrow I have a half day at school, and was going to invite you for lunch.” During the past two weeks, they’d shared late nights at her place on the few nights she didn’t have her children. She treasured each one of them, but each time saying goodbye became harder.
He scratched his chin. “I’m supposed to be at one of my restaurants tomorrow.”
She tilted her head to the side, and gave him a close-lipped smile. Showing him her disappointment would give him more power. “Too bad.”
He stared at her with his irresistible eyes, and her heart flipped in her chest. “Unless, of course, you want to visit me. The restaurant has a back office,” he said the last sentence in a tone as seductive as a midnight walk in Paris.
She gave a nervous chuckle. “I’ll look forward to it.” Would she ever! Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and when she took it out to check the caller ID, her enthusiasm decreased. “Sorry. I’m on this group chat that won’t quit.” Even though she wasn’t a bridesmaid, she felt like she knew every little single detail of Brit and Damian’s upcoming nuptials.
“Exciting news?”
She paced around his office. “I told you Brit is getting married, right? Now they decided to go to Vegas. So it’ll be this whole thing.”
He frowned. “You’re going?”
I have to.“Yes. Amanda wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t go. You know, she’s little and she’s all excited that her parents and her new stepmom will be all together and happy.” Besides, Brit had always been there for her. Why not do the same on such a joyous occasion for her? Come to think of it, Damian deserved her support too. An ex-husband he may be, but he’d always been generous and understanding.
“And will you? Be happy?”
“I’m happy for them.” she said, truthfully. “Will it be less awkward? I don’t know. I guess I’ll see.”
“You’re a good woman, Violet. Sometimes I feel like you keep saying yes to things because you want to make up for the time you were not there,” he said.
“You may be right. When I returned and learned they were together, I paved the way to their happiness with the kids and facilitating their relationship so that it wouldn’t be bad when I had my own.”
He watched her quietly, his gaze traveling between her eyes and her mouth. “You’re a fascinating woman.”
Little shivers of excitement traveled down her back. “I’ll take that.”
He pulled her to his lap, and she sat on him, as he swiveled the chair. He placed a kiss on her shoulder, and she had to battle her growing desire and gather every ounce of willpower to push him away and rise. “No kiss?”
“No,” she mouthed. What if Marcelle walked in and saw them? She wouldn’t forgive herself. “Wait for tomorrow.”
He touched his heart as if he’d received a blow and made a sad face. “I’ll cook you lunch myself. Show up hungry.”
Heat coiled at the pit of her stomach. “Don’t worry. I’ll be starved.”
Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.