Page 45 of The Auction Block
Red clouds my vision, hate boiling in my veins. If this bitch keeps talking, I swear to God, I'm going to make her eat her teeth.
"If you're so damn good, why aren't you his girlfriend? Oh wait, because even Blake has enough sense to realize a woman like you, is only good on her back . . . or her knees." I sneer.
"What the fuck did you just say to me," she yells. "Let me tell you something, you no account piece of trash. If you think you're going to come in here and take him from me, you've got another fucking thing coming. I will fucking beat your ass, like the stupid bitch you are!"
My hand flashes out and grabs her throat as footsteps echo behind me.
"Lily, don't!" Dresden's voice is panicked.
Miranda grabs my wrist with both her hands, a gurgle barely escaping her lips.
"He deserves better than some slut who only wants him for his money," I say, my face only inches from hers. "And if you make another comment about me and him, I'll snap your neck."
"Lily, let her go," Blake whispers.
His voice pulls me back to reality, and I drop her. She goes down to her knees, gasping for air.
"See, I told you the only place you're good is on your knees."
Blake runs his hand up my back sending tremors through my body.I take a breath and walk to the stairs, wishing I could go back and do things differently tonight. My nerves can't take much more of this shit.
"Caleb, get Miranda out of here, and don't bring her back again," Blake says.
A smile forms on my lips, as I open my bedroom door.
I avoid Blake and Jax for two days, trying to make sense of things— Sammi's words ringing in my ears every moment I'm awake.
This may be the only chance you get.
Sitting on the bed, I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. Staying in this room isn't going to make the issues go away.
I shrug into a pair of sweatpants and long sleeve shirt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The sun isn't fully up, but I can't stay in bed any longer. The apartment is quiet, as I make my way to the kitchen. Blake's live-in housekeeper is coming back today, so another person is joining this circus.
A tapping startles me, and my head snaps up. Jax stands in the kitchen, leaning against the island, sipping a cup of coffee. I stop and narrow my eyes at him. He's deadpan and unmoving. I shuffle to the coffee pot and make a cup.
"So . . . we on speaking terms yet?"
I set my cup on the counter, running my fingers around the edge. "What do you want me to say, Jax?"
"I don't know, Lily. You've never ignored me for this long."
"Well, you pissed me off. Calling Monroe was bullshit and you know it."
"Blake Mason is nothing but a power-player, Lily. He'll use you, and when he gets bored, he'll replace you. How's that any different from all the other men you've ever been around?"
"At least it’s my choice."
"I wouldn't assume you know my intentions, Agent Unnami," Blake says, his voice deadly.
Jax's nostrils flare, fists clenching as he twists his head, cracking his neck. He strolls over, stopping nose-to-nose with Blake. "If you hurt her, I'll make you disappear."
"What she and I do, is none of your business. You need to let her make her own decisions for once," Blake says.
Jax glares, turns on his heels, and walks toward his room. I sag onto one of the barstools, pressing my forehead against the countertop, my chest tight. I've never fought with Jax, not on a personal level.
Blake places his hand on the center of my back, sending a low roll of shakes through my body. Breathing deep, I try to control them, will them to stop. They aren't as strong, but still noticeable.