Page 19 of Her Christmas Beast
“What?” Billy lets out with a long-suffering sigh.
“The gold stars. Does Dr. Turner put one on your forehead when you’re a good boy and fuck her nicely?”
I yelp as Billy lunges over me towards the elegant Javier, who gracefully dances away from the counter, laughing his ass off. I hang on to Billy as best I can, but it’s like a mouse trying to hold back an elephant. When I realize it’s futile, I let him go. Javier apparently knows what he’s dealing with and keeps the width of the table between him and Billy.
I sigh and take one of the sandwiches Tom holds out on a plate. “Are they always like this?” I ask him quietly.
“Usually. Maybe not quite so amped up. You’re good for him, you know.”
“Who? Billy?”
“Yeah. I still think you’re a bitch in the classroom, but I’ve never seen him smile like this. He’s happy.”
I chew on that for a minute. Is Tom calling a truce? “Thanks, I think,” I finally say.
Tom goes back to cleaning up the kitchen while Billy and Javier feint at each other around the table. Finally Javier shootsa swift glance down at the sleek gold watch on his wrist. “As much fun as this is, William, if you don’t grab your bags now we’re going to be late.”
“Fuck.” Billy mutters before stepping back and turning to me. “You didn’t bring any beach stuff with you, did you, Angel?”
I shake my head no. I don’t even own any beach stuff. Not for a tropical getaway, anyway. “Why don’t you grab a few of my dress shirts and something you can use as a belt. That will do for getting to and from the airport on that side. You won’t need any clothes while we’re there.”
My cheeks flame with embarrassment that we’re having this conversation with an audience. I notice Javier’s lips twitch, but he wisely stays silent.
Ducking out of the kitchen, I head back to the master bedroom to see what I can scrounge in the way of clothing and to change into something lighter so I don’t arrive in eighty degree weather dressed for freezing temperatures. This house is getting way too crowded. That’s a problem we need to solve sooner rather than later.
The drive to the private airfield is silent. Every time I open my mouth to ask Billy a question, I remember that Javier is sitting in the front seat with his ears perked. Billy keeps a hand on me somewhere, resting on my thigh, over my shoulders. It’s nice and I can’t wait until we’re alone again and can talk.
But conversation will have to wait for a little bit when I see the sleek private plane waiting for us on the tarmac. I raise my eyebrows as high as they will go towards the man who arranged all this.
“I’m too big for commercial, baby Angel. And besides, this is faster.”
Then when we’re onboard, I’m too distracted by all the gizmos and have to check everything out. There’s no bedroom though and I try not to sigh in disappointment. Maybe I’ve been reading too many romance novels about billionaires. When Billy gestures me over to the living room style seating, I sit down next to him and fasten my seatbelt. The seats are wide and covered in soft caramel leather. But there’s still the ubiquitous airline seatbelt with the giant gray metal buckle. There’s no flight attendant because Billy didn’t want to wait for one to be available since this was kind of last minute. I don’t mind and as soon as the engine roar from takeoff has died down I’m turning to him to ask, “What was Javier talking about, that he knows what you order online?”
Billy’s expression is a little sheepish. “It’s part of the condition of Tom’s work release that he’s not accessing the internet. SinceI have computers about the place, they have to be monitored. I agreed to it because I don’t do anything online that’s remotely interesting. At least not until…”
I giggle, imagining the alerts his shopping cart must have sent up. “Did you really buy gold star stickers?”
“I did… but those are for later. Post-graduate work as it were.”
Oh, my. Do I even want to know? I can’t imagine things elevating between us from where they’re currently at. A sudden wave of insecurity washes over me. “Billy… am I… do I…” I fidget, trying to find the right words. Billy frowns hard at me, then reaches over, undoes my seatbelt and hauls me onto his lap. Instantly I feel better with his arms curled around me.
“Do you what?” he rumbles, sounding a bit grumpy.
“Am I… I guess sophisticated enough for you?”
The look on his face is comical. “What the hell are you getting at, Angel?”
“I don’t know, I just… I’m worried that I’m too naïve for you. That you’ll get bored with being patient with me. Maybe I can’t ever become what you’re hoping for.” I break my gaze away, staring down at my twisting fingers.
“Angel.” His giant arms tighten around me like they’re attempting to convince me of something. “I’m not trying to turn you into some kind of sex goddess. Mostly because you are one without even trying, but changing you is not on the agenda at all. I enjoy playing with you. Making you cum, watching you delight in your body, makes me feel invincible. All I want to accomplish beyond that is to get you to really see the woman you already are. And to rejoice in her. Because I know exactly how special you are, baby. I simply want you to see it too.”
“Oh.” I think about that for several long minutes while Billy simply holds me close against him. “Billy?” I finally mumble and hear a rumble of response, but no words. “I love you,” I tell him matter-of-factly. Then I squeak a little when he shifts me quicklyand takes my mouth fiercely with his own. His tongue doing a sweeping survey before tangling with mine.
* * *
Half the day passes before I can finally get my hands on Billy the way I’ve wanted to since our quiet conversation on the plane. We have to go through customs, although that’s a considerably faster process when you arrive via private charter. And then a taxi delivers us to our secluded retreat. The small house, which is really just a single big room surrounded by wide covered porches, sits at the base of a U-shaped bay. The private property includes both arms of the bay and goes back another half a mile, so we are well and truly private. “Who the fuck owns this?” I murmur as the taxi navigates between the overhanging lush vegetation.