Page 102 of Built of Secrets
Except Nico wouldn’t wear them in the woods.
While Stephens scrambled to his feet and wiped his hands on his slacks, Sam moved out from behind the rocks.
“FBI. Hands in the air. You’re under arrest. I’m armed and itching to shoot you.”
Stephens whirled around and slipped down on one knee. “Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot. I’m not armed. I’m not doing anything.”
“You’re trespassing. And stalking.” That was a stretch, but Stephens’ eyes widened in fear.
“I just need to talk with Tansy. She won’t answer my emails. I don’t know her new phone number. And she’s got her gate locked up. How else am I supposed to talk to her?”
“You’re not.”
“But she has to help me. I need her help.”
Sam growled and motioned with his gun. “Turn and walk that way. Try not to fall on your ass again.”
“Will you take me to her? I need to speak to her. She’s the only one who can fix this.”
Rage bubbled beneath the surface of Sam’s skin. “Fix the mess you created? The one that had her kidnapped and drugged and attacked?”
Stephens shrugged. “I didn’t do any of that. That’s on Howard. He’s after me now, and she can fix it. I have to see her.”
Pathetic scum.
Ignoring the gun, Stephens moved forward and grabbed Sam’s arm. “You have to take me to her. I’ll pay you. Take me to her. She’ll fix this.”
“Hands off me or I’ll break your face.”
Stephens gripped him more tightly. “You have to help me. She has to help me.”
The man was a pathetic loser but, as much as Sam wanted to beat him to a pulp, he didn’t need to. And he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize this case. Instead, he shook him off, then gave him a shove to get him moving in the right direction. “Move. It would give me great pleasure to kick your sorry ass.”
Stephens suddenly seemed to realize that Sam was not only pissed but holding a gun. Fear rippled over his face and he turned to walk.
Sam holstered his gun and texted Graham.Coming out with the dumbass. He’s no threat.
Although the idiot continued to mutter about how Tansy needed to help him. How she owed him.
Sam didn’t respond. Not yet. He’d let Tansy have first crack at him.
Stephens faltered when he spotted Graham.
Sam told him to keep moving to the lodge.
Barking sounded through the forest, and the man stumbled again. Then Nico, Joe, and a happy German Shepherd jogged into the clearing.
Stephens stopped, but Sam poked him in the shoulder. “Inside. Did someone text Marcus?”
Graham nodded, and they trooped up the stairs. Joe entered first and moved straight to the main room. The others followed, with Sam bringing up the rear. He locked the door behind him and set the alarm.
He was ninety-nine percent sure this wasn’t a trap, but he wasn’t getting caught unaware again.
“Tansy!” Stephens sounded like a kid seeing Santa.
When Sam reached the room, he was in time to see Stephens stumbling backward. Sam didn’t bother to catch him. The man banged into the wall, righted himself, and then moved forward.
Nico and Joe stood in front of and to each side of Tansy’s chair. She looked like a queen with her knights on guard. Her large, angry, intimidating knights.