Page 26 of Built of Secrets
He spotted the laptop and tablet on the dining table along with wires, tools, glass and metal pieces of all sizes and shapes.
There were crates of nameless equipment everywhere and open areas on the table and floor for her to work.
The coffee table in front of the couch brought a smile, along with good memories.
“What’s the latest TeenySaur going to do?”
Tansy walked over and sat on the edge of the couch. She picked up what he thought was an unfinished stegosaurus.
The protrusions sticking out of its back ruffled as she drew her finger over them. Sam sat beside her and did the same. The bits weren’t metal, but they weren’t fabric either. Almost a mix of the two.
“I want this one to help a kid make a craft. I’m hoping to get this one to knit. Or make pompoms.”
Sam laughed. “A knitting dinosaur?”
She grinned. “Some kids never get a chance to see those kinds of skills in action. Most kids like making things. I need to make another TeenySaur who will thread the yarn onto the steg’s back.”
Because all of her dinosaurs were cooperative, they encouraged kids to realize they could accomplish more when they worked together.
“How’s it going so far?”
Tansy shrugged and pointed at another stegosaurus with yarn wrapped around its entire body. She touched the bits that stuck out of its back in a line. “Getting these scutes to the right angles so they can move to the correct rhythm is a challenge. But, I’m getting closer.”
Sam picked up the strangled dinosaur and grinned. “Your mind is an interesting place, Tansy. Glad to see that hasn’t changed.”
Secret Hideout
Tansy watched Sam unwind the yarn from the stegosaurus. He was a large man, but his hands could be so gentle.
To distract herself from what she’d like him to do with those hands, she picked up the brontosaurus she’d paired with the steg and worked to adjust the neck mechanisms. She really needed a dinosaur with human-like arms, but that didn’t work with the toy line. The TeenySaurs were based on the actual animals. She kept the dimensions as close to reality as possible.
Obviously, the actual animals wouldn’t do any of the tasks her creations did, but she wanted kids to appreciate the fact that even unlikely partners could work together to accomplish tasks.
The impossible wasn’t nearly as big a realm as most people thought. With some effort and creativity, lots of improbable things were possible.
Kids needed to believe in the impossible.
Otherwise, the status quo would remain and that wasn’t good for anyone.
“What else do you have going on? Other than creating revolting smells with tree bark, that is.”
That made her smile. “There’s nothing quite like a good experiment gone sideways. I didn’t consider the variables for smell. Can you imagine footie pjs smelling like that? It would give poor little kids nightmares.”
Sam chuckled, and she shoulder checked him.
He pulled her in for a quick hug. She leaned in and enjoyed his warmth and comfort.
“Did you hear back from the DOD yet?”
That had her jumping up. “There was nothing last night, but I didn’t check this morning.”
She powered up her computer, wishing the thing was instantaneous.
Sam chuckled. “We just ran about five miles, and you’re bouncing like you’ve had too much coffee instead of none at all. Where the hell do you get all that energy?”
Tansy grinned at him. “Clean living, Sam.”
That earned her a full out laugh. He got up and toured the rest of the room while she checked the email.