Page 49 of Built of Secrets
No. She would have been alerted by her anti-hacking programs. And she’d never worked on her holographic tech on a computer attached to the internet. Not even once.
James wasn’t smart enough to bypass her door locks and her computer security back at Döva. If he was working with criminals, which seemed to be what Sam suspected, he would have had help.
But her security was top of the line. She’d designed it herself and no one else had even seen the programming.
Was James working solely on assumptions and bullshit?
Tansy stood and paced the bedroom. Had James always been this much of a user?
If so, she’d been a fool for the six weeks they’d been together.
He might have planned this from the beginning. Invested those six weeks into her in order to steal her ideas and her programming.
She hadn’t even been thinking holograms before they’d met. Not in more than aone daytype of thing. She had thousands of those kinds of ideas.
Had James been an opportunistic thief, or had he steered her in the direction he’d wanted her to go? She couldn’t remember when the hologram spark had gone fromone daytosoonand thennow.
James had never joined her in her private lab. No one entered, not even cleaning staff. Tansy had taken care of everything herself. Well, her CleanySaurs had taken care of most of the cleaning, not her.
But they were hers, too.
They cleaned on a schedule here as well. She should probably warn Sam to watch his feet if he was wandering at night.
Was he staying?
Did she want him to?
Of course she did.
Even though she was a little pissed at the moment, this was still her Sam. They’d jumped into a couple of kisses loaded with more passion than any she’d ever experienced.
They probably should have had a conversation or two about it first.
Her entire body shivered as she remembered the feel of Sam’s hands and mouth on her. Her orgasm had completely consumed her.
That had never happened before. It was difficult for Tansy to get out of analytical mode and just feel. But Sam had turned her to a quivery mass of emotions in only minutes. Moments.
Because she loved him.
Had always loved him.
And now she had a chance to do something about it.
Instead, she was pouting in her room. Not even brave enough to finish reading the emails from James.
Sam shouldn’t want anything to do with her. She wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t in touch with her emotions.
He could do a whole lot better than her, and once he realized that and left her, she’d be shattered.
Tansy paced some more, imagining all the ways their relationship could play out.
Was it worth the risk?
She’d always told herself that she would take any chance with Sam that she had.
And here she was.